MovieChat Forums > mar46 > Replies

mar46's Replies

<blockquote>I so wish I had been there to lick the tears off that stupid twat’s face</blockquote> That is a very conflicting statement to make. You seem to detest her, but to lick her face seems to indicate you are rather infatuated with her. The Harry Potter Broadway show has a black Hermione and she has mixed parents. They really took "mudblood" to a whole different meaning. It's a great show and once I was finished SMH over that whole swap, I enjoyed the show VERY much. It did not flop. We are at a point in society where you just have to expect this race-swapping and we have to learn to not be bothered by it. <blockquote>She probably has a whole section of a bathroom drawer devoted to Plan B packages.</blockquote> There is a scene where Amelia (don't remember who she is talking to, but probably the pregnant one Dakota Fanning / Abby) states that Merritt doesn't actually sleep with many men. She says "you lose your power". So for her to get pregnant is a big deal, and it was most likely an unplanned accident. Men lie to keep that young, beautiful hottie in bed, and yeah she got taken pretty good here. He was a good liar. There are dozens, but a few that come to mind where the actresses' beauty interrupted my focus: - Diane Kruger: National Treasure - Diane Kruger: Wicker Park - Margo Robbie: About Time, and just about everything she's in - Meghann Fahy: The Perfect Couple - Natalie Zea: <i>Everything</i> she's in Point taken but did they, or did they not, invade the capitol, succeed in putting it on lockdown, and delay the validation of the election? Maybe "takeover" is a bit strong.... but it was a successful invasion and "disruption". Guns or not, it was a big fucking deal, that cannot be trivialized. I'll be the first to admit that MSNBC and CNN dwelled on it for wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long.... WEEKS... but in all fairness, it really was a huge, big, disruptive, historical event, and a huge tarnish on both Trump and the GOP. They still won in 2024, a testament to just how out-of-touch the Left is. Yeah seems like one of these "write it as you go" series, that opens up some suspense items but then closes them when they are not necessary. It stays in the back of your mind though, so I guess it's OK but still worth mentioning as you did. Breaking Bad was a bit tighter than this. Vince Gilligan closed all of his storylines dramatically and there were very few dead-end red herrings. I am still on Season 1 (almost done) and this photo is a shocker to me also. <blockquote>They barricaded the white house with barbed wire and troops</blockquote> C'mon get real. I'm on your side of the aisle here but Jan 6th was a pretty big deal. They essentially tried to overthrow the US Government. You have to expect a massive response to that. It's indefensible. I voted for Trump twice but there's not much hard evidence that the 2020 election was stolen. So the two times he won, everything was fraud-free and perfect, but somehow in-between the adversaries managed to steal it? OK, sure. Sounds like a crock to me, and his 2020/2021 behavior was all very predictable. He's so arrogant he can't stand to lose and will make up any excuse to avoid admitting that he lost. I can understand why so many people hate him. Just the whole claim to the "largest inaugural crowd ever" vs. Obama is laughable, when photos CLEARLY show it was anything but. NFL Buffalo Bills. OK dude now you've hit a nerve! I adore Kat Timpf, and she's the only reason I watch Gutfeld! But yeah a lot of these stars are pretty average without makeup. I have heard she kind of scowls when a female guest Is more attractive than her, or has a great body. I posted about Kat on Reddit and did get a lot of responses from people who can't stand her. So while she legit does have a strong following, she's not for everyone. Oh I like her alright. I have never seen her below the waist, but can't be all that bad. Smokeshow <b><i>milk subscriptions</i></b> is a very VERY poor wording choice, LOL! <i>(Oh geez I hope I don't trigger the user who flips out at anyone writing LOL!)</i> I am just replying because I love seeing this post still featured in the Top-15 banner! What a hoot. I see absolutely no connection between political-siding and enjoyment of this show. NONE whatsoever. <blockquote>Glad her face was never seen again</blockquote> I happen to LOVE Natalie Zea's face, and I could not get enough of her! I was hoping she would return. I never really caught the Betsy Kettleman obsession, but I have seen her obsessed about plenty online. I thought Kim was smoking hot, but overall I was disappointed there wasn't much eye candy. I am a Republican and I love the show. Try again. I know of another example of poor writing. That's lame that Netflix would only carry the 1st season. Nothing like leaving everyone in limbo, WTH?