PaulIsAlive's Replies

Better than Halloween III? Edgy. And notice how much you learned about yourself in the process! Why in the world would they own the rights to an R-rated movie? The only way to deflate the power the word has it to decriminalize it for all. People will tire of saying it and it will go away. Cool. Yxs. My miss/mr.stake. I watched a few minutes of it and decided sitcoms are completely dead. Nothing the characters said compelled me to laugh. I had forgotten about the slap. Makes me want to revisit the early seasons and see if I've dismissed it as "cheesy" simply out of amnesia. It's one of the most sedating openings to a tv show ever. Instantly relaxes you and lets you know you're in for a half hour of pleasant comedy. Or maybe just trying to give a more accurate picture of a (somewhat) large American city? They are completely different movies. Underrated comment. Fascinating. Now I have to watch that movie again. I only use it when addressing my friends from South America at Christmastime--i.e., Merry LatinXMas. The politics are all irrelevant. This movie is about love. Too bad. I didn't see Barbie, but I thought the M:I movie was much more entertaining than Oppenheimer. I'm scared just having this information. Exactly.