PaulIsAlive's Replies

Helluva a good response. Wait, what? How can Trump be "fascist" and "racist" and have this guy in charge of the FBI? Is the media lying to us? I see they borrow a kill from Happy Birthday to Me. That's actually correct. The idea that Walt Disney was "racist" or anti-Semitic is essentially an urban legend people who don't think for themselves repeat without thinking about it. I suppose the Q crowd have read more into that than is necessary. This is the correct answer. The stories are better. The literary character Conan is not described as a big muscle dude like Arnold, rather, he's slim and described as "sleek," which is not something Arnold could ever be accused of. Now, now. No need for hostilities. Yes. American Graffiti. Tin Men. Very interesting movie. It's Lynch's most radical film. Annette Haven. Rene Bond. Thanks for the link! Yes. 7/10 That would be interesting if it was. Of course. Ranb is probably one of these mentally deranged men dressing in woman-face and demanding the rest of the world participate in his madness. What kind of drugs are required to ask a question like that with a straight face? Keep drinking the kool-aid, Charlie.