MiyagiDoMAGA's Replies

<blockquote>I'm seeing lots of MAGA tears</blockquote> Sure but they're from laughing hysterically at you. And it was a yuge failure in that regards. Continue to cope now. Trying to put a brave face on things but you know they're utterly crushed inside lol I like this thread. English isn't your native language I'm assuming, and it's a charitable assumption. Anyway you may resume pissing into the wind for my amusement now. lol you know people read those posts you made right? If it was true it would just be more evidence that religious people can be far smarter than you 🤷‍♂️ Trump supporters are the majority of the USA and free world 😂 You should touch grass sometime youngun Have you ever seen your own consciousness, how do you know you're actually aware? When you grow up you'll understand the height of arrogance is thinking you're smarter than the majority of the world's population based on their faith. You're not smarter than someone simply because you don't believe in a deity they do. And millions of them are <i>still</i> smarter than you. <blockquote>Brainwash yourself with the same propaganda I did</blockquote> FTFY They haven't received the updated scripts yet so they're all still stuck parroting their old nonsense talking points! Fairplay to Ranb for at least attempting to make it more relevant lol You don't need to keep doing this now shill, you lost. I do know he makes low IQ people seethe. Did you know that? That's where it's likely to stay for a few years too tbh as they don't look like they learned a thing! All I've seen is crazy people doubling down on their crazy. And atheists molest them in their homes, in their very beds, sometimes chaining their own daughters underground. You're not a better person than religious people simply because you lack belief in the deity they believe in. My point is people only ever go after the low hanging fruit of Christianity and are cowardly when it comes to criticising Islam or Judaism. Can you believe that cringey video with the Avengers cast? And the ex-stripper Cardi B reading off of her phone? It's such a shame the very serious Harris campaign didn't win lol Haha seethe some more please, it's exquisite! You talked so much and for what? lol Cringe https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gb8u9_yWkAAQoxc?format=jpg&name=small