MiyagiDoMAGA's Replies

Not when the entire team are locked in a jail cell it won't. Yes Trump was "convicted" wasn't he, he's totally a criminal, there there let it all out it's ok, 4 years will fly by. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GdQLlX-XoAAAZBm?format=jpg&name=large Just need to make sure and crush Smith and his team of cronies so they don't try again in 4 years out of spite. Still not sick of winning, I require more win. Is the prize <b>total</b> and complete <b>victory</b> and the utter <b>collapse</b> of the very obvious lawfare? LMFAO In the final round and Trump wins by devastating knockout, Jack Smith left spitting teeth everywhere! Yeah about that lol Also no mention that it's in the English language, some things are just taken as given. Here are some resources that might be useful to you, I hope you can recover. https://forensiccounselor.org/?Topics_of_Interest__Cults_and_Support_for_Former_Cult_Members Seek professional help. https://forensiccounselor.org/?Topics_of_Interest__Cults_and_Support_for_Former_Cult_Members <blockquote>Yes, you say self defense. </blockquote> As did the jury and therefore American legal justice system. <blockquote>But the prosecutor said otherwise. </blockquote> And the prosecutor was wrong and very very stupid and corrupt. <blockquote>The jury said not guilty</blockquote> Which makes Kyle what again? Not guilty! That's right, Kyle Rittenhouse is an innocent man, and here you are all these years later still attempting to smear him like the pathetic shitweasel you are. Did you bang your head and get confused or something? I haven't even mentioned the trial ITT before today. <i>Studies show Sources say People familiar with that way of thinking People close to etc</i> Into the trash it goes. It's not so much people <i>telling</i> others <b>who</b> they can <b>be</b> to be rather <i>accurately describing</i> <b>what</b> they <b>are</b>. A man is no more a woman than a floor is a ceiling. These things are definitional and mutually exclusive. Which one of my aunts would have banged your mum if my aunt was my uncle? Mental illness. I sincerely hope you can get deprogrammed and recover. Ah I get you, yes it's an enjoyable second viewing, maybe moreso knowing the twist. Not many movies I can say that about, One Cut of the Dead was a fantastic second viewing I can recommend off-topic! Isn't it great? lol Hey about those 34 convictions lol