MovieChat Forums > MiyagiDoMAGA > Replies
MiyagiDoMAGA's Replies
Weak as Luigi's bladder that led to pissy pants, go crack open a "40" with your homoboys and leave the insults to the grown ups whose IQ isn't under 90
<blockquote>Yay imagination victory</blockquote>
Those walls are gonna be closing in any day now I bet! 😂
Come on pussy what's taking so long for your reply? We all know it's just gonna be some lame variation of <i>"I fucked your mom/I pissed on your mom"</i> what's taking you so long to type it out retard? Get the fuck on my level you little wanker, I'm giving you stand up comic tier lines and you're giving me dumb ghetto trashy black person insults lol, what a fag
Of course you don't you're too poor. You're family is so poor you can't even pay attention, nerd. I could've been your daddy but the guy behind me in the queue had the right change.
Nah that was your mom, her teeth are so yellow they make cars slow down when she's passing.
Why would we need to make people take a chromosome test when 99% are immediately distinguishable? lol
<blockquote>the 1% of trans people that manage to fool others well they got away with it didn't they</blockquote>
It's not a vagina though, it's a mutilated penis. It goes in the men's room.
Well luckily with 99% of trans people you don't need to look at more than their face to immediately know if they're really male or female, and the 1% of trans people that manage to fool others well they got away with it didn't they. It doesn't make them a real man or woman though, it just makes them duplicitous not righteous.
How close are those walls now? Are you going to hilariously rewrite another popular song by an accused child rapist about it?
Has reality sunk in yet? How's life in the 4B movement currently?
<blockquote>MAN do you people have short memories</blockquote>
No we have very good memories, that's why no one with a functioning brain believes the gaslighting bullshit and obvious lies you try to tell people.
Mmmm your whiny tears sustain me, please rage type more nonsense.
The dick is where Luigi pissed his little pissy pants from lol
Crackshot Kyle?
Kyle "Rat-a-tat-tat" Rittenhouse?
Kyle "Pop-pop-pop watch a commie drop" Rittenhouse you mean?
Rittenhouse dispensed justice and Luigi dispensed the content of his bladder lol
<blockquote>Ergo, FREE LUIGI for dispensing <i>social justice</i>!</blockquote>
He dispensed <b>urine</b> in his underwear lol, <i>social justice</i> <b>IS</b> a load of old piss though i agree.
They were just trying to join you and speak on your retarded level so you thickos could understand what was being said too. Equality.
No Kyle never pissed his pants like a little girl, that was Luigi's Mansion that did that.
Memba when Kyle walked free?
Memba when Luigi's Mansion is going to be locked up for the rest of his life?
Memba when AnthonySucksssCocksss posted yet another shitty thread?
This isn't a debate platform, it's a movie chat forum.
Who says they want others to think they are just making crap up? Maybe they just don't really care about proving anything to you particularly?
Expect anything you want but no one is under any obligation to jump to your demands.