TiberiumKing's Replies

this book is trash and not accruate at all, like he say there that japan dident used guns because "there is no honor" in that. the all "honor" nonsense regarding the samurai class have no basis in reality, samurai class was ruthless PM is not the best but its very watchable and has some cool stuff, like the race, nice world building, dual of fates fight with maul, its not as bad as people say it is. AOTC is striaght up boring. ROTS is seriously one of my favorite movies of all time. everything in it is top notch whatever this is you think about its not relevent to the dune franchise where the sisterhood always been strong and dominant and this series is just about that. its not "woke" in the slighest, just a prequal that focus on the bene gesserit. wait a minute, arnt those jewish bilionares all democrat? what makes you think they love israel? because they are jews? lol, get real. 1. the majority of bilionares arnt jews, they just dont interest you 2. israel is the puppet state of the US goverment, not the other way around. there are american miliatery bases in israel, are there israeli milatery bases in the US? i dont think so.... someone here is coping hard and trying to make up conspiracies, yep bilionares control the world. what a shock. some of them being jews does not mean a damm thing. US back up israel because its their only puppet in the middle east. there isnt an agenda concerning worman at least. you are confused, the agenda is about race + LGBTQ , not woman. woman in prominent roles is something that always existed. people dont care about movies anymore when video games are around this is actually nothing new, i grew up in the 2000's and even then the decline was felt. even then everyone played video games. nah part 4 and 6 are weak compared to 5 1 & 3 are good, 2 is horrible. 2 is not only boring it also has the worst special effects ever made to film, that entire movie looks and feel like a video game care to give evidence that israel is responsible for this? whats next? your gonna claim that israel control the us goverment like your fellow maga lunatics? not all greeks believed in that soft homo nonsense like you claim. there were other greeks who were more savage and would graped slaves and for fun not true, season 1,2,4 were the only good seasons. season 3 was boring and felt like filler outside of the red wedding. its not but terrible incnsistent nightmare to sit through. nonsense, another conspiracy theory against israel actually, homosexuality was common in rome and ancient greece, you may call it bisexuality if you want because it was mostly slaves who were the recievers. because he has an agent who tells him what to say to preserve his acting carrer and afford the expensive life he has, all of them has. they dont give a crap about politics. its all to kiss up to the holywood executives people know that holywood actors are filthy rich, but they dont know that those hollywood actors do not like the simple life and are constantly out of money because of their luxarious lifestyle remember how nobody said "WOOKEEEEE" when they saw female terminator? what season of game of thrones? season 3 was absolute trash thats beacuse machines were banned compleatly. even space travel is all done by mental powers coming from the spice. dont listen to the new movies, they changed it its funny because in the 60's when pepole read the first dune book that was about the same female order, nobody said "woke" "gir bossess" "feminist" why? because nobody knew or cared about those terms, this is 2010's nonsense. even back in the 2000's nobody raged at strong female characters. this is something compleatly new apperantly according to right wing idiots "they" is always the left. the right is never on the "they" side.... since when "x" is a credible source for anything.....? they spend this money on salaries for extras + for the main case and as you know this type of movie have insane amount of exras, so, theres that... they also spend it on practical + digital effects. having the exact historically accruate props are things that require alot of time and way more money then they have and it will not be worth money wise for them to do it. the story is changed to fit 2 hour runtime. real history is slow and you have to have a story for 2 hours. so this is why you will never see a 1 to 1 historically accruate movie no matter how much you will cry about it. relativly, this movie is more historally accruate then the first. in the first they dident even wore sandals, for hollywood prudctions this movie is pretty accruate. of course the ones i talk about are history nerds who have no life and nitpick on such a deep level that they will never be satisfyed with anything. and they all do it for views. if you know the youtuber metatron, hes famous for being like that.