MovieChat Forums > TheEndIsNigh > Replies
TheEndIsNigh's Replies
That took three edits🤣
Why do you keep editing your replies if you're not rattled?🤣
An onslaught of replies. I've really rattled you haven't I🤣
Also he's Brad freakin Pitt.
Your words not mine🤣
Of course you was. You better get back to stroking over Brad Pitt😂
What's with ""Dat", "Lol", and "man"? Have your balls dropped yet kid?😂
I get it, you're easily pleased with films with shit writing. Good for you.
Thelma was nearly raped and then the next day they just pick up a total stranger? Louise is supposed to be the "mother" in the relationship. She sees Thelma as a naive child. Ridley Scott himself said so. Always thinking, planning, and being cautious, and then she leaves the money with Thelma just because...
I don't want Mary Sue characters, just writing that's not shit.
He wouldn't have been able to rob them if Thelma and Louise weren't so dumb and shallow😂
Agreed. Awful Bond.
Trevelyan's plan is to steal all the money from the Bank Of England before destroying London with an EMP blast which would obviously cripple the UK economy beyond repair. But that would mean the GDP would be destroyed making all the money Trevelyan steals completely worthless.
You wasted all that time on a post that belongs on the Return Of The Jedi board. That's where all of George Lucas' retconning started. Nothing to do with the original.
CGI Another Day will always be the worst. Even Never Say Never Again's better than that crap.
The CGI, the constant quips - "I think I got the thrust of it", "Yo Momma". Did Halle Berry have any dialogue that wasn't cringe worthy? Madonna's awful song and her pointless cameo.
Bond being released from capture after 14 months looking as though he'd been indulging in some nice food, Bond stopping his heart rate, the ice palace, the invisible car, Bond tsunami surfing, Michael Madsen...Christ it was awful.
I'm glad it was made though because it resulted in us getting Casino Royale. But it was the equivalent of enjoying a nice cuisine after being forced to munch on some shit first.
It's 7.3 now. This snoozefest keeps dropping like a stone.
He was killed. Probably should never have been in it in the first place. Christopher Walken wasn't exactly given a lot to work with.
What's even wilder is how all the citizens of Gotham just embrace such an ugly looking weirdo and are happy for him to do whatever he pleases even when he does disgusting things like biting the guy on the nose.
The citizens of Gotham in this film don't have individual thoughts it seems.
Why do a lot of married couples who don't get on marry in the first place?
Yes, I'm sure people who are innocent of their wife's stabbing would pretend to stab an interviewer with a banana. Perfectly normal for someone traumatized by their wife's murder and the accusations of doing it.
He also phoned Ruby Wax later and admitted it he did it before bursting out laughing.
They wanted to retrieve it as quickly as possible. It was vital to keep track of the book.They didn't know his older self was going to tell his younger self to keep it on him everywhere he went. He could've just hidden it away in his house for a few years until he was old enough which he probably ended up doing eventually because old Biff tells him to get a safe.
It's mediocre just like all the Brosnan era. Even the opening sequence is overrated. He bungee jumps down into a dam, instead of knocking out the russian on the toilet from above he comes down like Spiderman for a pathetic quip, somehow when he comes out of the headquarters he's now on a mountain top, and then he does a Superman and manages to catch up to a plunging plane. All in the space of ten minutes in his debut.
And this is regarded as Brosnan's serious one😂