MovieChat Forums > Razor187 > Replies
Razor187's Replies
“Bad joke” and “racist POS” does describe this movie and its defenders pretty well.
So what? It’s still wrong. He had no problems with the numerous other falsehoods either.
That's a false equivalence on at least 3 levels.
Already addressed, so I'll reiterate:
"I swear, does nobody who brings this interview up actually READ the damn thing? He's talking about cultural upbringing, not race. Did the instant contrast with "a person who grew up in the desert" not make that clear?
If you want a quote that's relevant, there's this one: "My (appearance) is such that I can be in India and look Muslim or do the same thing in Russia and Latin America."
And anyway, it's just PR. Of course he's not going publically criticize something that he's profiting off of, no matter how many lies it tells (did he ever speak up in Sheardown's defense? Didn't think so.)."