MovieChat Forums > Hereonlyforfun > Replies
Hereonlyforfun's Replies
Probably because he is one of the most humble and self-effacing people around focusing on lightness and enjoying life.
One of my irritants is how things like this could have been easily dealt with but seem to be ignored due to little more than laziness or a lack of creativity.
And here you provided two ways that could have easily been dealt with.
Have you seen Chrystal? And The Badge? Both of those are good examples of his acting, especially Chrystal. Both Southern type stories.
I have enjoyed Goliath and he doesn't disappoint. There are good stories and it has a good supporting cast. And in a way, he plays about the same type of character in Goliath as in Landman - sharp-tongued, take no bullshit and so on.
I feel sorry for folks like you all who can't seem to enjoy any show with cast members that aren't lily-white and by defining any show that is not all lily-white as automatically woke.
This show is not racist or "woke." For one thing, the population in DC is fifty percent black. Also, if any of you had read any sort of information prior to watching this show, you would have learned aspects of it were specifically done to be more inclusive (there was even one article that brought up how the creators purposely included scenes with eating and food because of the importance of what goes on around food and the importance of food in culture).
Not only that, if you clueless people had more knowledge about "blaxploitation" flicks of the 70s, you would have noticed even elements of those types of programs were built into this show, especially the last two episodes.
Lastly, the "defund the police" aspect was used as a plot-driving device and to evoke emotion.
I'm was a wildly bonkers show.
I'm was a wildly bonkers show.
I am with you.
Ah, that makes sense. Thank you.
Yes, I do, but now it is working fine. So bizarre. It just started doing it, then quit, then quit loading right and is now loading again.
I get so sick and tired of "Christians" punting on this. It is disgusting and Bill Maher was right a few years ago when he stated how so many American Christians do not practice their faith as Muslims do and it it true and for Americans it is a part-time thing.
Trump is nothing but a non-religious person and he shows it each and every day and is a horrible advertisement of sincere and genuine religion.
And for those that throw out how you are not supposed to question one's faith and beliefs - horseshit. Crap like that is why Religion is so tarnished in this country - it is because the biggest proclaimers of it are most often those that follow it the least.
As someone pointed out, where are all the megachurch leaders that make millions offering donations to those hit by the hurricanes? Where are their good deeds? Nowhere.
I mean, how can someone like Franklin Graham stand behind a person like Trump while he utters lies about the hurricane disasters and demonizes legal migrants? Read the Bible - it is clear about all this and as one sincere religious pastor pointed out - the liturgy of the bible regarding lies includes correcting the lies, stopping the lies, and not telling the lies again.
Not really. I've seen the original version of that and parts of the re-make and it is different and I don't want to offer spoilers, but the undead are mentally vacant with reptillian survival instincts intact.
It is just the filming technique was beautiful but so slow with no noticeable need for the slowness of the filming (what I'm referring to are prolonged scenes like that of a person driving, people in a rowboat, and segments of nature and just general lingering of the camera).
This is why this site is so disgusting at times. Grow the FU people.
And I find it quite poetic justice that new research shows homophobes have an unusually high turn-on factor to gay porn. So that is what bigots get, though they will never admit it and continue to bash others different from them.
You are missing the entire point - you are equating rape and non-consensual abuse and victimization with consensual behavior.
Are you so shallow that you do not know the difference between the two?
So if you are unable to differentiate between the two and prefer to just insult people then certainly your posts are worthless to even read and unworthy of other peoples' valuable time.
You should quit already. WTF is wrong with you???
It is shamefully obvious that many here are unable to tell the difference between rape, lack of consent, and consensual behavior. There is a difference.
It is also troubling to see so much of this, which seems to be based on people trying to protect those who they are fond of or fans of.
This man is a scumbag that deserves to be in prison. Look at his background and the things he is associated with.
This crap is not about those with the power and fame to enjoy all the depravity of the consensual, but of rape, abuse, and even allegedly murder.
Thank you for the links.
I have an entirely different opinion than you. For one thing, anecdotally, I can tell a difference in my own habits and how technology has changed them. For example, about a decade ago I started reading the majority of books on an E-reader, and I can tell a difference in the way my brain now functions. I often do not find myself reading for as long as I did with physical books. My brain and habits have changed and have been influenced by technology. Researchers are also finding that electronic devices are impacting us in different ways, one of them being we can't stay on a page for long without moving on. The vast capabilities of these devices manipulate us into seeking more and more stimuli to keep us engaged.
Secondly, Psychology Today just had a very good article on learning, teaching, and electronic devices and what was found is not good at all. And before you type some insult like, "Psychology Today! That's pop science." I will stop you and say those cited in the article were scientists and researchers and not opinion writers and their findings based in research and science.
Not only these, but there are many, many reports of how technology is impacting the mind and how we experience things.
So, I guess we will both have to agree to disagree.
I guess I should have used different wording than "attention span" and instead used something like the change in things that engage our interest.