mergaqui's Replies

One of those movies you don't even have to ask. It's really bad. I agree. I heard she looked completely different but if I couldn't really notice a major difference. I would put it down to age if anything. The entire cast looks a bit older. Get Shorty was great. It seems almost forgotten nowadays. <blockquote>This movie implies that beasts cannot be loved.</blockquote> Isn't the whole point of the movie the opposite of that? It's about how Belle falls in love with the Beast despite his appearance. George Washington He's good at playing Jay Baruchal. But he is a white person. 🤔 The original by far. It's a 10/10. Aliens is a 6.5. I doubt she'll regret all of the awards she received for the role, including the Best Actress Oscar. Maybe species advanced enough for space travel can easily combat virus using genetic engineering so they are ineffective. Even if she doesn't have the same level of mainstream success that she had in her prime she will always have a career thanks to her diehard Harry Potter fans who will probably always follow her. I could see her headlining a streaming show. I thought the actress they had playing Jeannie Buss looked a lot like her. She's always been very attractive. It doesn't help that Will Smith barely ages so the contrast isn't doing Lawrence any favors. It could be a negotiating tactic. If there is a social media backlash about him leaving the series then it might put pressure on Paramount to pay him the money he wants. It was a lot like Bird Box. Weird creatures whose origin is unexplained leads to a post-apocalyptic world after they kill almost everyone, but for some reason they have trouble getting inside of buildings. A Flash movie history goes back even further. They was a screenplay first written for a Flash movie 30 years ago. Everything is getting remade. It's easier to than being original. His music was never good. His appeal was only to young girls who had a crush on him. Now he's old and there are no more young girls that care about Justin Timberlake. His only hope to continue his career in music at this point is to become a Vegas performer. His music was never good. His appeal was only to young girls who had a crush on him. Now he's old and there are no more young girls that care about Justin Timberlake. His only hope to continue his career in music at this point is to become a Vegas performer.