MovieChat Forums > itsbananas2024 > Replies
itsbananas2024's Replies
[–] AnthonySocksss (1055) 41 minutes ago
I’m a backshooter and your mom says I have great aim
Jokes on you, his mom is literally a cow. A real live heifer.
"You think Trump can make that happen?"
I dont know, that was the plan though. We will see how this plays out soon enough. I have more faith in Trump than I ever did with Biden or Kamala thats for damn sure. Not sure why that would be a controversial thing to say. Seems pretty pragmatic and reasonable to me after the past 4yrs.
The chair should be saved for the most vile of vile killers. The likes of Bundy and Dahmer, ect.
Legend has it she once was a "puck-bunny". If true, easily over 200. I'm not judging.
Well its unfortunate there are limits to what people will discuss in the Genreal thread becuase perceived divisiveness. Dont ask me to understand or agree.
My 3 fav moveis? Thats an impossible question. My favorites are sci-fi and fantasy so that would put Lord of the Rings trilolgy (counting as 1 film) front and center. After that.... I can always rewatch the shit out of Revenge of the Sith, especilly near the holidays. And O'Brother Where Art Thou I suppose. Those 3 get the most rewatches.
How about you chill.
[–] Hectiche (30) a day ago
I’m not charismatic. I’m just awkward and don’t know what to talk about.
Well your not alone.
"No, it is the fact that he acts like his audience is stupid." Maybe youre overly sensitive?
To me thats a bizzare statement. Ive never got the impression he looks down on his audience. Maybe youre overly sensitive.
I was thinking Ridley was going to explain that but of course he didnt.
Here’s another. She says she’s a “small time girl from Kansas”, she isn’t from KS. Actors……🙄.
Here is a Youtube clip of her :
"and impose tougher restrictions on immigration."
The Right has always held the position that its not immigration itself, its illegal immigration and unvetted and untrackable people coming through illegally. Why is that so hard to comprehend for the Left?
That is sad. I dont think you would actually enjoy a world without religion. You think you would but if it ever happens you will more than likely regret it. Unless your just a psychopath with no heart.
As long as the didnt get rid of LL Cool J's song Deepest Bluest (Shark’s Fin) at the end credits. That song is legendary.
No. But my roomate used to date her friend, they would come home drunk from the bar and she would jump in my bed and punch me in the balls. She did that a couple times. She would always tell me she was a virgin, I had my doubts.
Wow 100yrs old. Good on him.
[–] AmeriGirl26 (14614) 3 hours ago
Irish/German/Russian/English/Scottish/Norwegian/Danish/Dutch should cover it. If you want, I could also throw in "Druid" and "Viking."
Im an OG 2 breeder. 1/2 Scot and 1/2 Maltese confirmed on Me & 23.
Not that anyone asked.
I disagree. Where there is snatch, there is a way.
" the lines were recorded after the film was shot."
Blech, I hate dubbing. Thats the worst.
"What facts are you talking about?"
That she was murderd.