LessThanZero87's Replies

Did you see the arrest in Polk County FL about the Asian massage parlor alleged prostitution ring? Lol They had those in MIA, too. Lol You know, MIA, where Pwinty lived and where you two met. Lol So, glad Pwinty left South FL. Lol Lol…I can??? Lol Thanks for granting me permission…Lol Lol…It’s amazing how so many adults don’t know anything about anatomy! They can’t tell the difference between biological men and biological women. Pwinty got a large azz skull, t-shaped shoulders, etc.. I could go on and on with my description. That’s a Trans! If you want to know, start from the tip of the head and work your way all the way down…Some of you may be sleeping with the same xes or maybe in the future because you just don’t know…That’s how Trans are able to disguise…Lol Lol…I didn’t…Lol What account you suspect is me? Lol…I replaced the “i” with an “u”. Lol… Lol…Since you’re not going “to trust me on anything” then there’s no point in answering your question: “Did they take your money or something?” If that was rhetorical, please forgive me. Lol Lol…Trust me Pwinty is…I’m not about to dox Pwinty on here. When Pwinty gets an actual acting job, I’m sure Pwinty will write a nice bio for everyone to read…Lol Lol… Attaboy, Pwinty! Lol Get back out there and post with your man…Lol Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise, Tranny…Lol Lol… Lol…That’s why Pwinty stays happy…Lol Lol…You’re welcome! Anytime :-) Lol Lol…I have a lot of information but does it really matters? Lol @stickman38…Lol So, true…Lol @samoanjoes…Lol I hope I get this right…Lol What numbers am I supposed to put? Everyone is putting a +1, so I’m going with the majority because I don’t want to mess it up for y’all…Lol @FilmBuff…Lol Social Media therapist are my favorite…No one has to come here but y’all seem to love the drivel and soap opera…Lol @OnanTheBarbarian…Lol I like that you called it a soap opera…Lol @AndyKing1967…Lol Yep, and kept the package for Daniel Sunjata…Lol @stratego…I misspelled your name.