MovieChat Forums > Headspace928377 > Replies
Headspace928377's Replies
You know they were so happy when they killed him off in the last one
He should've lost the role the second he started complaining about how sexist Bond is
He was a fan of the show
Looks alright but all the jokes were pretty cringe
He does quite a bit of different music. Its not bad at all
Im not counting the remake
What about the fact it portrays him as a rapist?
Im sick of both of them and The Rock is responsible for a lot of shitty blockbusters
Ok idiot
What a stupid thing to say.
The director literally said he was a fascist
This movie was definitely promoting the trans agenda
Saw it and it was boring piece of shit
This movie was ass
He has a new movie coming out early next year called Flight Risk
No it's shit
Why would anyone watch Destiny? Some loser who plays video games all day ranting about politics. What makes him qualified to talk about anyway?
It's a question
The Happening is better than this