MovieChat Forums > diamando

diamando (86)


Created a toxic work culture ripe with sexual abuse This movie would have fallen apart if she had at least 1 female friend Surprisingly good She retracted her statement about Dr. Luke assaulting her What is your favorite song by her? What are your thoughts on her Slut Pop project? Is this really a comedy? Improper sexual conduct with a minor Is Manny Genuine? I cannot believe how atrocious this was View all posts >


IDK I just want the cheap eggs. It was in the last season Good. truly deplorable It is realistic. It's all about the genes you have. I liked that the family was actually supportive. Like when her father went back for her and even sacrificed his life. Yeah not every movie can reinvent the wheel but IMO it was still a good time. I am around 30 minutes into this and it is a unique one. I am not sure where they are going with it, but all the reviews are good so I'll keep going. The trailer made it extremely clear that the space setting will just be a background where the protagonist grapples with their own feelings. If you watched the trailer as you say you did and came away with the conclusion that the focus was going to be on space exploration, the problem is you. She probably had the rejuvination surgery. View all replies >