MovieChat Forums > Lady Gaga Discussion > Created a toxic work culture ripe with s...

Created a toxic work culture ripe with sexual abuse

More than 10 of her dancers came forward to reveal that they were continually abused by her head choreographer, Richard Jackson. Rolling stone wrote a very detailed article about it in 2021:

But in the past few days, even more ex members of her team came forward, citing sexual exploitation, pay being held back, and inhumane work conditions. Apparently her manager and team knew about it for years, and they did nothing. And still didn't.

It is surprising to hear this come out about someone who preaches kindness so much.


Got a link for the more recent allegations? Not saying I don't believe you, it's just that when I Google "lady gaga news" this doesn't come up.


she's female

so don't worry she'll get away with it. even if she knew about it and enabled it all along it won't matter, the buck will stop with him. always does
