TheHardSell's Replies

Israel is in control ! She`s not bad looking. I would love to enjoy oral sex from her : No, F that bitch! Good Post AG26, lets thrive! Thanks ! Brings me back. FUCK JB Is she single ? No this is : Washington has spent $22 billion of US taxpayer money on military aid to Israel since the beginning of the conflict - Brown University’s Watson Institute! This is weak in all departments and does not hold up well unlike some of Carpenters other work. Its up there with 27 Cancer of the colon is a highly treatable and often curable disease when localized to the bowel. Surgery is the primary form of treatment and results in cure in approximately 50% of patients. However, recurrence following surgery is a major problem and is often the ultimate cause of death. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide, accounting for approximately 10% of all cancer cases and is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. It predominantly affects older individuals, with the majority of cases occurring in people aged 50 and above. Several lifestyle factors contribute to the development of colorectal cancer such as a high intake of processed meats and low intake of fruits and vegetables, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption. Colorectal cancer is often diagnosed at advanced stages when treatment options are limited. The incidence and impact of colorectal cancer can be significantly reduced by implementing primary prevention strategies such as adopting a healthy lifestyle, avoiding risk factors, and practicing early detection through screening. Oh no! Speedy recovery. Good post Hollywood actor Will Ferrell released a video threatening White males to go vote for Kamala Harris. Hopper admittedly spent much of the 1970s under the influence, particularly when portraying a jacked-up photojournalist in Francis Ford Coppola's "Apocalypse Now." According to George Hickenlooper — director of "Heart of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse," a documentary chronicling the making of the film — Hopper was in rough shape at the time. "Dennis recounted the story to me that Francis came to him and said, 'What can I do to help you play this role?' Dennis said, 'About an ounce of cocaine.' So he was being supplied by the film production drugs that he could use while he was shooting," Hickenlooper told The Independent. While Hopper eventually embraced a life of sobriety, he revealed that at the peak of his partying he regularly consumed 28 beers and half a gallon of rum, chased with three grams of cocaine, on a daily basis. "It's not as hard as it sounds. If you mix the rum, like I used to, then you can drink it all day long, no problem," he told interviewer Piers Morgan in a Q&A for GQ. "I used to get thirsty, you got to have a beer or two if you get thirsty ..." Or actor imho! Arnold is a joke!