PayMeScorsese's Replies

Even though PR narratives push the idea that Scorsese made consultations with the Osage people to ensure as much authenticity as possible, it seems this authenticity extended only to the costumes and portrayal of some rituals. The fact remains that DiCaprio and DeNiro hogged the screen time, about 80% of it, and the native characters are reduced to either “noble savage” or “helpless victim” tropes. I don’t know why most of the narrative and camerawork focuses on Ernest, a completely uninteresting and disgusting character. They had the audacity to make DiCaprio the main character and stick him on some kind of redemption arc and make Molly so passive but try to cover it up with PR stories or saying all the right things in interviews. But what is disingenuous is news stories announcing Leo’s huge salary for a film that is about white oppressors forcibly stealing the wealth of the Osage community. Add to that no mention of what his Native American co-star was paid. It is abhorrent considering the subject matter of the film, it makes his lip service to, what he refers to as “the plight of the Osage community”, seem like mockery. If he keeps the movie royalties…that is blood money, sir.  The making of this movie was not the time for Scorsese and DiCaprio to indulge their egos. They miscalculated the artistic angle they took for being creative or novel. The film drastically reduced the weight of the flesh and blood of the real story in favor of crafting an award vehicle for Leonardo. It’s a self promoting stunt at the expense of real people by completely hollowing out the real suffering of the Osage people. The self interest motivation is so evident and embarrassing because there is no depth in any of the protagonists. Only Robbie Robertson will win an Oscar for Best Score. After that, Brendan Fraser has a better chance at winning a Razzie for this film than any of the other nominations have at winning an Oscar. Leo: :( Scorsese should pay me for keeping this film in the "Trending" section because even his own fanboys have nothing to say about it other than its a box office bomb and the actors look ugly. Merely pointing out that Scorese’s faux mafia wannabe gangster buddies in NY gave awards to a mid film that puts people to sleep faster than NyQuil is not a conspiracy :) Shhhhh fanboys hate hearing the truth here. Martin Scorsese doesn't know how to portray women or love stories at all (and im not saying it's in any way a "love" story, this is 100% an abuse story. But Scorsese and DiCaprio keep harping on about how it is a "twisted love story", which shows how little they understand about relationships and how skewed their perception is) Her character's behaviour makes absolutely no sense in this film. She’s supposed to be this strong and intelligent woman, and yet she just passively let’s her husband murder her whole family, and then at the end she... HUGS HIM? Scorsese lost the plot with this one. I kept waiting for her to shoot DiCaprio but every time he sees to it that one of her loved ones is murdered all she gets to to is weep and then touch his face lovingly. Why did they advertise the film as if she is important to the story, other than to sell tickets to native audiences? Trouble comes with the insinuation that Ernest truly loves Mollie. He takes very little manipulation from Hale to start killing her sisters and eventually her for her oil money. Of course, he loves money - the film makes sure we don't forget that by having him say as much, and in so many words, about 15 times - but there is simply no hesitation to do these horrible things to her family, no internal conflict, not until the last act or so, at which point it comes across as uncharacteristic. He says he feels regret, and Leo looks regretful, but he has done very little to convince me of this. The film couldn't decide whether it wanted him to be a truly horrible, greedy man who didn't love Mollie or a sympathetic victim of a genuinely evil man who was tricked into hurting the woman he loves. I never once felt that Ernest loved Molly. Everything about them felt rushed. & the whole "it's about greed, he really loved her but greed took over he couldn't see how terrible it was that he was poisoning her" Please.... how could you poison the mother of your children and claim to love her ? He is trying way to hard to convince everyone that he's straight. The point of the thread is that Leo was paid that huge salary for supposedly being a "box office draw" and then the movie flopped with audiences... theatres were half full on opening night. Leo's fanboys are the ones making a huge deal about the box office performance of his films but now that he has a bomb they have 10000x excuses. Scorsese has a thing for super old white men with wide heads. Ernest is supposed to be younger than Mollie and yes they are supposed to be in their late 20s/early 30s. Had any younger actor or even Jesse Plemmons (who was originally supposed to play Ernest) played the part it would've been much more believable as well as accurate to the original story. Scorsese just indulged himself and nobody told him no. Read the book for a much better experience. Only fanboys think the movie is a believable "love" story. And look at all of the actors and actresses Hollywood pushes down our throats because of their looks. They have no talent at all but are there to push a specific standard of beauty onto the masses. And I'm sorry but that list you've provided... are probably actors who are successful because they are serious about their work and work hard but those are not A-listers known by everyone. Thats what I was referring to, Hollywood fame and filling up screens with charismatic and pleasant faces. That is a factor as well. Very odd choice for Scorsese and Thelma to not allow theatres to insert an intermission. No matter what you say, the movie is a bomb and embarrassing for everybody involved. Now go and cheer on your gods the scammers who believe they've saved humanity with this film, pay double for Apple TV plus and convince yourself you love being scammed. People are literally refusing to watch because he looks so terrible. "Actors have to be attractive, otherwise people won't watch their movies?" Literally, yes. This is a fact of Hollywood, you sound naive or just making up an argument to oppose me. And audiences have the right to decide if they want to watch a movie. The real dumb statement was the poster above assuming I want to marry Leo. He still looks like an overgrown baby and the squeaky voice and lack of maturity doesn't help. I'm not interested in Leo, he's lost his looks to the point of affecting this film's box office as evidenced by people who refused to watch it due to his unattractiveness. And a bomb is a bomb. How can it do well on streaming when the service has doubled its price and caused most people to unsubscribe uh..... remains to be seen. "You've picked the wrong fanbase to target" you basically prove my point that Scorsese fans operate with a dumb mob mentality and its pretty ironic that Scorsese fans don't have any knowledge or valid arguments about films, just an "us vs. them" crap mindset, attacking anyone who says anything remotely negative when that is how adults have discussions. You still haven't contributed anything useful to this convo, and stating the truth about the box office bomb and mediocrity of this film doesn't make me a troll, unless you think every poster on this board is also a troll. I'm bored of arguing with a teenager. And what are you contributing to this conversation other than parroting the same tired MCU argument? Where is the "display" of YOUR critical thought? I know its dumb of me to ask since most Marty fans also have no original thoughts or minds of their own, just dogpiling and repetition. Marty fans love trailing behind Scorsese because headlines force us to believe he's "America's greatest director" and it feels safer to follow hype than to think for yourselves and risk opposition. If it were any other director with this kind of hype you would just trail behind them. It's that simple. Imagine not having any original thoughts of your own and having to parrot "superhero" crap whenever someone makes a valid criticism of your SCAMMER idol. I never mentioned superhero anything anywhere but I know most Marty fans are incapable of critical thought and valid discussion. This film goes in circles. It's rambling from Scorsese, the only consistency is that he loves focusing on Ernest (the least interesting character of the cast) for some indulgent reason. And at the end of the day, it's just plain boring. People are not really discussing it with enthusiasm, they have respect and admiration sure, but for all of its hype it's a letdown. Half of my theatre had left after 2hrs and the other half fell asleep (snoring loudly). The book is amazing, this movie for some reason wants to defy everything that made the book engaging and interesting. You can leave this film for 30 mins and not miss a beat, thats how slow it is.