unlockingfreedom's Replies

The awful trailer made me think the film was going to be "silly slapstick", thank god the film ended up quite composed. Roxster at the tree scene, do i grab the arse, best not. Everyone in the cinema laughed with the subtitles bit. Jim Broadbent (Colin Jones) dying in the bed, giving advice was the tone of the film, not just living but being happy as a last message. My old man in real life is 88 years old and taking care of him in the last 5 years had really woken me up. I even learnt stem cell biology to better understand what to do, which made him recover from sepsis in the blood and COPD. That has definitely slowed down my aging. http://www.printernational.co.uk/timmann/age_regression.htm As we watched Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy on Valentines Day, my girlfriend was pretty happy. She keeps a book of things we have done over the last twenty years together, which both our cinema tickets went into. My beard is still even in there from that long ago! She said she likes the third film the best, I am just happy that she really liked this film. We snuck a couple of pizza's in from Pizza Express, sitting on the back row. Mark Darcy in "her mind's eye" looked so bloody old in that very last scene. Colin Firth is 65 years old. Mr. Wallaker was okay, every line was delivered well, obviously Daniel Craig is a different type of actor. I see why the film has done so well already. Hugh Grant correcting the kids on a "dirty bitch" to a "filthy bitch" is explained why here: https://uk.movies.yahoo.com/movies/hugh-grant-wrote-own-bridget-152900477.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKF70W1FeVxvzCrwfJhAiaLrg_xQ6UrG3dQUlDPs4mg8Xy2St4I5KdhDFQwne46UA1tZ5mD8XMUju-TdzwucNkfLRX_vybcYYnDQOQa4rDMd1EsK16_1VkQT8udpUVD91dpZTXQ8Nk7oeD6eZ_T2gOz7bC1Q9HQoqlfUdVi0ofgB In order, her face is delicate and beautiful (maybe her nose is slightly off), second her S&M: Clothing, the hong kong trainers of her martial arts noticed her femininity in movement, if a woman can have short hair and still be that pretty then they are special, you feel like you want to save her (she is worth saving), looks good flying a helicopter, can run up walls, nice smile, looks good naked, has the weirdest kick to the face using the heel like a scorpion tail, green eyes, etc @jcdugger You got to watch the Max Spiers video Collection: http://www.printernational.co.uk/timmann/Max_Spiers.htm flexible the film was good, watched Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy on Valentines Day with girlfriend. Many funny scenes. yes, she shags a young kid, then ends up with black teacher even at 41 years old people should be able to still have enough to look both their age of 41 (at the time) and still 25 years old. It was weird in the past that by 40 some people looked 60 ish. I am 46 years old, would hate to be grey or have wrinkles of saggy skin. Otherwise cheat: http://www.printernational.co.uk/timmann/age_regression.htm watch "So Close" in 2002. It was an oriental film a bit like "Charlies Angels", where the film centers on their beauty. Natalie Portman is an annoying jew. Just look at how evil they are. The holocaust was a hoax. Totally agree, watched her in Rumble in the Bronx sexy dancing is a bikini in a cage, then in Romeo must die, she is completely attractive. I normal never fancy oriental girls. I looked her up on IMDb which say "Her father is Chinese and her mother is French-Canadian." I think as society mix there will be these types that have never been seen before which are extraordinary. @tom8 Not quite as odd as you think, watch Max Spiers who spoke of the current 4th Reich. In the last genocide on Gaza, Germany sent their weapons to Israel. In Germany if you protest on the streets that Palestinians are being persecuted by Israelis you are rounded up, taken to jail then court. The real evil history of Israel: http://www.printernational.co.uk/timmann/history.htm The real evil history of Israel: http://www.printernational.co.uk/timmann/history.htm The real evil history of Israel: http://www.printernational.co.uk/timmann/history.htm you ought to go to goyimtv Hitler has seen Swedish porn, watched those beautiful aryan race mummy milkers and knew the Jews were the enemy with their ugly saggy deflated sacks Completely agree. Some women i had been lucky to know in person. It is very rare, when that kind of face structure, bone structure, all the way through is as you say "exceptionally beautiful " . It is quite strange. Natalie Portman was born in Palestine. There is a Rothschild settler colonial project, since 1947 wont last the test of time. Genocide has made every corner of the Earth seek the truth. My guess is the lies being exposed before 1947 will tip the balance. This is absolutely nothing new, the goyim are waking up. I checked the Motion Picture Rating (MPA) Rated R for strong sexual content, graphic nudity, strong drug content, language and brief violence. * Covering each topic in hand "strong sexual content" It is 2025 now, so it is politically correct to have Daniel Craig getting facials. * "graphic nudity" Hollywood studios committee board decided we need far more close ups of hairy arses getting "anal penetration". * "strong drug content" * Drugging young people with heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, passing out with a bottle of vodka. "bareback sex, man on man anal" really needs viagra to keep a decent healthy blood flow. We were going to take all our very young daughters to watch this, as a family get together thing. When i heard there was "strong language", that is not appropriate. @ samoanjoes You are not wrong. The actual pronunciation in German : Sch - warz - en - nigger