MovieChat Forums > chumbawampa > Replies
chumbawampa's Replies
Too bad there's barely any nudity in modern films compared to the 70s or 90s. Theres barely sex scenes anymore. So all this nonsense from the OP about one actress not doing nudity is irrelevant. Most movies don't even have the main characters kissing anymore. They'd need an INTIMACY COORDINATOR for that.
That's because Gen Z who never have sex anymore dont' want to see it on screen or think about sex or nudity at all. Because Gen Z are insecure little twats. But that's the young people, the future generation .
So buckle in because things are only going to get SHITTIER. And Shittier. And shittier.
There's barely any nudity in any movies anymore. Or sex. Certainly not compared to the 70s-90s. Does the OP even WATCH current movies?
Because I'm an inhabitant of the Earth?
except not, because I'm Canadian , thank god for that.
I'm not even right wing , I'm far left as you can get ... But I think a black captain America doesn't really seem close to the original comics . That's my only criticism. From an artistic standpoint, as far as doing superheroes and staying true to the original creators vision, whether its Spider-Man , Captain America or any superhero. If you change everything, eventually you end up not with the same character anymore.
It's like, for example if you take Superman, make it a woman, then a black woman, then set it 5000 years ago , or 5000 years in the future... then change the suit ... still call it Superman... Basically you're just selling the Superman brand name stamped on a comic book or a movie at that point which has zero resemblance to the original source material whatsoever.
It's funny how 'Loxism' is a word which is defined in its definition as part of the neo-nazi lexicon.
So, your attempts to come up with a term to criticize the 'jews' for being bigoted utterly failed.
"So you do admit you said something stupid, when you realize that it wasn't a monosyllabic sentence? "
Uh... Yes, it was a monosyllabic sentence. 10 of the 11 words in the sentence were 1 syllable.
If you think one single 3 syllable word in the sentence makes any difference towards my summation.... you really are an idiot.
"Google "monosyllabic" so you can use correctly next time and avoid further embarrassing yourself. 😘"
Yeah. It means using one-syllable words.
Here's your last sentence:
"Dumb shit like you just said is exactly why Trump won."
Every single word in that entire sentence is one syllable except 'exactly' . Dumbass.
Oh yeah, you got your point across.
Skateboards are weapons. Guns aren't weapons, and shooting innocent people is OK.
Just because a guy had a skateboard doesn't mean he was going to attack someone with it, dumbass.
Holding a skateboard isn't evidence it's a weapon. Anyone with a skateboard isn't going to want to wreck it because its 150 bucks for a new complete board. You don't just hit people with your skateboard. Idiots who know nothing about skateboarding see a skateboard in his hand and just randomly start claiming it's a weapon.
So, you know. Someone just skateboarding and holding their board anywhere should be shot. Anyone holding a skateboard because if they're holding their board (which is the only thing to do when youre not riding it) it's automatically A WEAPON.
No, dumb shits like you who can only communicate in single, MONOSYLLABIC ten-word sentences are why Trump won.
"Males can't cry unless they're bitches. Good to know. Definition noted for future use."
Yeah.. Basically.
Ever watch a movie from the 30s and 40s , like the film noir classics? You ever see a man crying?
You ever seen Humphrey Bogart cry in a single movie? Ever see any man cry in a movie back then? Or even in the 1950s? I can't even think of a movie where a man was shown crying until at least 1970.
I'm not saying men don't cry, obviously at funerals etc. when their family members die. But crying... to elicit sympathy... in order to win a court case... That is an entirely different kind of crying than mourning family. And we all know people can fake crying , and fake tears, and put on a performance. Especially when on a witness stand and your future is on the line.
The movie starts out with the Gladiator who's a fairy with pink fairy wings, fluttering around in a sea of other naked Gladiators in a one big orgy. That's the opening scene.Then he sings "Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend" While wearing a dress.
That's before the opening credits. I personally liked it, I thought it added a different touch to the typical 'Sword-and-sandal' genre.
Yes, they could have easily made the bibles in America.
You're saying no one in America can print a book in 2023? Printing presses have been around for what? 400 years?
If you think Trump cares about bringing manufacturing back to the U.S, you're an idiot.
If you think Trump cares about the working class........
HAHAHAH. Just kidding. We all know no one thinks that. They only voted him in based on hatred of the other candidate. No one is under any illusion that he's going to do a single thing to help the working class. Which makes the people who voted for him even stupider.
Then again, these are people from places like Ohio. Who expects them to be intelligent, or to have values, or morals whatsoever?? Most of them can't even read.
You want a good movie for a gay guy, watch the Iron Claw.
Looks like she's had plastic surgery done, facelifts.. Looks like a typical Karen now. Work done on face to cover up any possible wrinkles. So she has one permanant facial expression now.
She sucked in 2004, and she sucks now. She was in ONE hit movie.
Freaky Friday. That's it. Not even a huge, massive blockbuster or anything. Just a minor box office success. Oh, and Parent Trap (Don't remember it? Me neither). So her biggest hit movie, the one that made her famous, is basically a DVD bargain-bin B-movie. Then her career just torpedoed from there. She went from zero to zero.
Whether it's 'woke' or not, I have zero interest in watching it for the sole reason it's another SHAMELESS CASH-IN to make a TV show out of a recently popular movie.
Like the Rings of Power and the 5 or 6 Star Wars TV shows.
Of course they're going to put a bunch of woke crap in it. It's Hollywood, over-produced garbage. If they're not busy making it woke, they'll probably put a giant metal spider in the show. Hollywood at this point is more similar to PT Barnum's Circus than the movie studio capital.
I'm not taking any position pro- or anti-woke, I'm just saying I think it's funny some part of you knows and acknowledges that Trump very well could, and would turn America fascist. Yet you still support him.
Yeah , we know, but why posting this on the Whoopi Goldberg board? Shouldn't we be talking about Whoopi Goldberg??
The original was only a 6.5/10 for me ... I'm not sure why so many people are acting like Gladiator 2000 was a classic.
I thought it was better to leave the French plantation scene out. I get the point of the scene, but I don't think its absolutely neccessary... It seemed like another Commander-gone-mad type scene... I understand the purpose but I think the scene with Kurtz in the end does the same thing... Not saying the plantation scene takes anything away.