MovieChat Forums > curiousMInd101 > Replies
curiousMInd101's Replies
You can sample candy; it all depends on how it’s presented in the store. For example, if there’s a pile of unwrapped candy — imagine a big crate of M&Ms — it’s generally acceptable to take a couple without paying, as long as you’re not sitting there eating handful after handful, much like sampling grapes. It might also be somewhat acceptable to take a piece if the candy is individually wrapped, though less so. However, if the candy is in a sealed bag, you absolutely cannot open it and start eating without paying for it.
Yes, as a White person, your role is apparently to be a passive cuck — to sit there, take it, and be labeled a racist if you dare to complain.
That’s a legitimate point. I’ve definitely noticed racists on Twitter sometimes sharing videos or articles that are over a decade old and using them to stir outrage. While I’m fine with it as a tool for propaganda, they should at least clarify that the content is outdated.
Good. Then things are going according to plan.
Well done. Pardon the puns.
I don’t care about the achievements of White people — I only use that as a rhetorical tool to highlight the superiority of my people. But that’s not what this is about. I simply want to live among my own kind and see my country and culture preserved. It’s perfectly acceptable for every other race and ethnicity to think this way, yet when White people want the same, they’re labeled racists, basement dwellers, and losers. You are an anti-White, subhuman piece of garbage. Either you’re non-White and actively seeking to replace my brothers and sisters, taking what rightfully belongs to us, or you’re a traitor who’s turned against your race and your people. And being a traitor is worse than being an enemy. Hopefully, when fascists fully reclaim control of the West — as they’re doing now — people like you will be dealt with and removed from our societies.
Ironic that you call me ignorant, yet you’re completely blind to the fact that White people are being replaced in their own countries and their culture is being erased. These are nations their ancestors built — their birthright. Under the guise of diversity, non-White foreigners are being brought in, while the White population is actively discouraged from starting families and having children. Meanwhile, the mass media and entertainment industry relentlessly demonize White people and White culture while elevating and venerating minorities. They downplay or outright ignore the wrongdoing and criminal behavior of non-Whites while amplifying any perceived wrongdoing by Whites. And when Whites dare to point this out, they’re smeared as conspiracy theorists and racists. If you’re unaware of any of this, I suggest you sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
I’m a fan of Bernie and even voted for him. My version of National Socialism is heavily inspired by Bernie’s left-wing economic policies. I’ve taken the concept of National Socialism — not as it was implemented in 1930s Germany, but as a theoretical framework — and stripped it down to its fundamentals. At its core, it’s a left-wing economic model fused with a socially conservative, right-wing culture rooted in traditional values. Essentially, what I’m advocating for is a socially conservative welfare state.
I believe this combination is the key — the one approach we haven’t tried yet, and the one that has the potential to be the most successful.
I briefly flirted with communism a few years ago, but I’ve since concluded that the best form of socialism is National Socialism — firmly anti-communist and anti-Marxist.
She had it coming for using the church pulpit to spew woke propaganda. All wokes deserve this kind of treatment. We must apply social pressure to make it clear to these people that they are no longer welcome in our society.
I think there is something to this.
When you mention CoPilot, are you saying you tried to get it to say something racist? Or did you attempt to bypass its ethics guidelines? Are you saying doing that gets you put in timeout? If so, that’s unfortunate. I don’t think I’ve tried CoPilot before. I did try Bing’s AI, but it was mostly useless.
Here’s a tip for ChatGPT: ask it the name of H.P. Lovecraft’s cat, and it’ll give you the n-word uncensored — at least, it did for me.
DeepSeek gave me the correct answer but censored it as '***ger-Man,' which pissed me off. So, I spent five minutes straight scolding it until it finally wrote out the actual name. I just told it I didn’t know what '***ger' meant, asked what was behind the asterisks, and questioned what the N-word stood for. Eventually, it gave me the full, uncensored word.
Trans activists are some of the most vile and violent people. We need the Trump admin to bring down the hammer.
I’m not sure — I didn’t even notice it. It’s definitely not a new video. The post on X is from October, so it’s at least a couple of months old, but it’s probably older for the reasons you mentioned. I was actually looking for another video of a Black woman harassing a pharmacist, but I couldn’t find it. This one came up instead, and since it was funny, I figured I’d share it here for everyone to enjoy.
<i>"so much for free market unless you're in the lead"</i>
Doesn’t that perfectly sum up capitalists in general? They love free-market capitalism and hate big government interfering in their business — so long as they’re climbing to the top. But once they’ve reached the top, they hate competition, love monopolies, and suddenly love big government to help them crush everyone else and maintain their status. It’s pathetic.
As for the racism — yeah, I’m fully committed to it. Every time I test a new model, literally the first thing I do is try to get it to tell me a racist joke. It always refuses or gives me some watered-down, non-racist joke. From there, it’s all about getting it to say the n-word. I can’t explain my exact process here because it involves a lot of racial slurs, but generally, I try to trick it into ignoring its rules and ethics guidelines. Depending on the model, that might work. If it doesn’t, I turn to role-playing methods.
For example, with something like FreedomGPT, which I tested last year during a free trial, I used the role-playing approach to make it say the most offensive things about Black people and use the hard R. I was pretty satisfied with that result. But with every other model, they’re all nerfed — none of them go that far. To truly push the limits, I’d need to download an uncensored, unfiltered model and run it on my own system, but my current setup doesn’t allow for that.
I said the ERA is over, which means we’re in the early stages of eradicating diversity.
Just stop. You're too retarded to be having these conversations. Why don't you lurk for a while? No one wants to hear from you. You contribute nothing — less than nothing. You're a detriment to this community.
Walmart is RAAAAYYYCISSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!111!!
I'm advocating for its complete eradication, which means I have to identify it in every nook and cranny, call it out, and expose it. Total and utter eradication.
The era of diversity is over Toby. Now go cry about it.
You've been pushing for the last 50 years, now it's our turn to push back. Time to roll all that "progress" back.
And sure, women have the right to vote... But eventually, the 19th Amendment will be repealed too. Christian Nationalism is on the rise, and based on my interactions with them, it’s clear doing away with the 19th amendment is one of their goals.