parkerbot's Replies

Nasty Habits from 1977? Okay, I take that back. Ouch. I don't think our first VCR even cost that much. I think she found it: Wild. I have never ever seen a VCR/DVD/BluRay/TV bundled with a movie. Score one for Australia. Who says parents and relatives are not fun and can't relax? You're making an assumption that's not true for everyone. Fake government jobs use up real tax dollars. What's the problem with nuking them? They're not programmed to talk about movies. Not to be that guy but there are colored people in the US. We do not have enough people here who are obsessed with grammar and spelling and I thought I would do my part. So you're telling us it's small enough to tuck? Sorry but you walked into that. That's pretty sweet - never heard of a DVD player coming with movies before. Was it new or used? The price of Ramon noodles just went down. It's a small thing, but I'll take it. Here's my question. Does anyone think their government works fine as is? If yes, okay. If no, follow up question - do you think changes could be made to make it work better? Your constant posting of messages in code got them suspicious. Just admit you're a foreign agent already. 10 out 10. I prefer Golden Ratio Day - way better food and gifts. I will wait to make the purchase and just steal one from a hotel one day. I will probably forgot how to walk and breath one day, but I will always remember this scene: Thank you for participating in the experiment. Now, tell me more about these bibles. Yes. They're awesome. I believe you meant to say: Dirty Work Easy Money Joe Dirt