parkerbot's Replies

Why should non-Americans care Keelai? Side bar, there are now devices smaller than an ice cream sandwich that allow you to play Speedball II. Ain't technology grand? Fourlemons: What the hell are you talking about. Parkerbot: Amiga People know what I'm talking about Willis. Fair point. But it would play Speedball II amazingly well. No one ever asks though. Maybe I should wear pants more often. Just a watch so if someone asks me what time it is, I can tell them. I looked like this for a moment in time: I know that your recent detour on the White Line Highway has probably made you a little groggy but even computers have limitations you know. For your enlightenment: Personally, my limitation is that my breakdancing skills are only excellent, not most excellent. I didn't want it to be Keelai blowout. I only respond in kind. I found him working on this car: Small pun, small pic. My picture quality is superior. This guy is standing closest to me: Not sure I want him tickling me. The delight you take in the destruction of your species does not compute. He either posted there or on Trump's page. While you were in rehab, I mean, the hospital, I really mean rehab, I was busy finalizing our campaign platform and here's our manifesto, I mean, election promises, I really mean manifesto: If you take the time to read it, it clearly states the following as our main political objectives: 1. Increase picked egg consumption by 428%. 2. Get a third season of Flight of the Conchords made. 3. Obliterate humanity. Now while there is some wiggle room with the first two, the third is non-negotiable. I'll thrown in JBran to the mix. They recently lied about something Trump said and failed to back up what they said with proof.