ColdBlood11's Replies

Well this was a Stranger Things" type movie made for kids to young adults.. So there wasn't going to be any actual depictions of sexual assaults on screen.. Often times sick people like the killer are also sadists and they don't necessarily get any sexual pleasure from penetration, but rather from torturing their victims and that is what the killer was doing for certain.. The beatings that he gave the children with his belt was an obvious indication of this.. Consider this a reminder to take your meds They turned Modok into complete!! I think that they had to use the specifically designed weapons that they brought to kill each other and himself,, It was apart of the prophecy somehow. Otherwise why make them and why not everyone just bring a gun.. I understand, but I just get a little tired of everything being so cookie cutter all the time.. Lucky for us critics don't matter.. I was going to say the exact same movies.. He was gay because he liked men sexually.. You should be old enough to understand that by now.. I think that he told Tyler that he was really low and a disgusting human being for having invited Margot to that restaurant knowing that everyone there was going to die that night. Tyler holding chef's opinions in such high regard became unbearably depressed causing him to go to the back and hang himself. Actually season 4 did top 3 in my opinion at least.. I think that season 5 may go into the 90's..