ImAComputer's Posts

Best franchises to sleep to? This is parody right? Jiminy interview with Mel Brooks Why did Duke & Duke live together? This movie ruined Laura Linney for me forever. Why didn't Rambo just tell Teasle he was visiting a friend? This is worse than the Will Smith's kid's version Why wasn't he in Karate Kid 4? At 1 hour, 43 minutes, 10 seconds Imagine a wedding cake with chocolate sauce on the side! What happened to Lopez Motors? Why did Tony say he had no relatives in the USA to the Border Patrol? Death Proof is better than Jackie Brown Has QT ever given a backstory to The Gimp? Is the WW2 prequel still on? Is the writing worse in SE 6, or is it just me? Was Ricci's charactor really a virgin? I'm pretty sure you have to think gangs are cool to like this movie. Imagine death threats and kidnapping of a minor in 2024 So...the moral of the story is...