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tvfan's Replies

He cited four, but your focus was on Hitler, perhaps it's you who channels Hitler in your thoughts. I think the liberal meltdown of TDS is worse than it was during Trump's 1st term. TDSers always misrepresent what Trump says. <blockquote>not with all those MAGretters about</blockquote> Too bad there’s no evidence that they are actual MAGA. <blockquote>In which case those polls which say he enjoys substantial support with no drop off from the election can be questioned.</blockquote> And yet, he won with more votes than any other president. <blockquote>An observation which can equally be made of right-leaning polls.</blockquote> And yet, they have a history of being more accurate than left wing polls. <blockquote>The easiest thing to do is find a way to blame the enemy rather than accept that someone got disillusioned with the way things are going.</blockquote> Except that we were all living under a Democratic regime, so it would have made sense if they tried assassinating Biden since they were "disillusioned with the way things were going." ...Your logic is flawed, but nice try. 15 million fake ballots confirms that 2020 was rigged. <blockquote>I got my info from the so-called failing NYTimes.</blockquote> That explains a lot. Nevertheless, they were released by the deadline that Trump set. Should Trump start a war because he only got three? A.) That was decades ago B.) His stance on vaccines has changed since then C.) Big Pharma vaccines are no longer safe and effective <blockquote>His new Secretary of Health and Human Services will discourage vaccines</blockquote> Excellent. Hostages were released, that's why hell didn't break loose. Did your precious msm forget too disclose that info? lol If the dots don't connect then the evidence is useless since evidence can be faked, manufactured and manipulated. <blockquote>he was happy to pay 9 dollars a gallon as long as Trump didn’t get re-elected.</blockquote> Perfect example of brainwashed cult followers. They will jump off a cliff before allowing Trump to be president. <blockquote>Truth mixed with lies to more effectively deceive the public.</blockquote> Exactly. They do this with all their bullshit fact checkers. Stop thinking in short term only. This will incentivize steel made in the U.S. and help manufacturing. Raising tariffs protects U.S. steel companies and prevents takeover by foreign steel firms. Protective Effects: - Support for Domestic Industry - Job Preservation Winning the electoral vote, the popular vote, the house, the senate and the mandate. He didn't accomplish all that in his first term. Oh, and I also live here in the USA, where everyone I know is saying the same about their support for him during this term vs his first term. BTW, polls have demonstrated that they can be "unreliable", especially those that are supported/endorsed by 538 which has a history of being wrong. Even a good poll can give a false sense of security. And your poll didn't include enough surveyees to make a reliable inference. Your poll is also endorsed by "The New York Times" which is a left leaning source; that says much about the bias reliability of your UK poll. Anyone can register as anything. People pose as others all the time. The best way to eliminate or frame the opposition is to disguise/impersonate as one of them. Relying solely on “the evidence” provided by others is "brainwashing" if/when you don’t apply the following: - Critical and independent thinking - Connecting the dots - Deductive reasoning - Common sense - Gut feeling - Intuition It was Biden that pardoned Fauci. Don't play with sharks. Did any of those sources you cited provide proof or confirmation that those were actual Trump voters? ... Of course Not, but you still drank their koolaid and you think that others are as weak-minded and gullible as you to fall for the same nonsense.