JohnBraun604's Posts

What is it Clooney and hookers? A Fun Movie! Wonderful movie! Trying to invent the Star Trek transporter? I want to see the play that Antonio Banderas character was making!!! Milk Drinking like a cat was worth the Price of Admission! Otherwise Tepid. Did this make some guys want to get to a Turkish prison for Yoga and Hot showers? The more I find out what REALLY HAPPEND the more disappointed I am... Honestly looks dumb. A made for TV show Are all US outposts this poorly equipped??? The whole premise of this movie is bashing the US army. WOKE BOND! This is actually the next installment of BOND! Surprisingly great watch! Missed opportunity at the end... California Fires take out real location of Elliot's neighborhood? Geniuine question on the ending... Great watch with some of the most authentic images on film...Duty! Questions - Timeline Magic Zone? Much ado about...nothing... Incredible Film Making by the Great Robert Wise! Great movie, incredible performances... shout out to Maria Bello! Halfway through...this is a really well made movie, great performances.... BUT Rewatched this over the holidays on NETFLIX - respect for having the original theatrical version!