MovieChat Forums > audihax > Replies
audihax's Replies
Through my Window film series, Time is up, The Kissing Booth film series, Beautiful Disaster, My Fault.
Prison Break series. One of the best shows ever.
I completely agree. I don't understand why they took Tessa out of the final chapter in this journey that we have been on for 5 years. Their story together is why we were invested in watching these movies; and to take her out of the final one is a big kick in the teeth. We're supposed to believe that they spent two years apart without hardly any communication, and Tessa not giving a crap of Hardin's feelings this whole time. Then suddenly they're in the same place and declaring their undying love for each other and getting engaged. It was all very rushed and unbelievable and I would have much rather had a whole movie with Hardin chasing Tessa like old times sake. Basically, if they didn't have to attend that wedding, Tessa would never have reached out to Hardin.
You do realize that this movie is based on a true story? Which means almost everything in the movie is true to life, including the family, the "white" people and everything in between. Why would you expect them to invent a dysfunctional family or some black friends when that was obviously not how it was in reality? It is what it is because it's realistic and that's all there is to it.
Ya it is. I'm enjoying it a lot. Just gotta keep hoping next ep will go up soon!
I watched the first two episodes the day they came out. I watch on *cough* not so legal *cough* streaming sites and they always have episodes of shows up the day they are released. Episode three came out last Thursday on Shudder and no streaming sites have that episode up yet and I have no idea why.
I found the movie in case anyone was wondering "Dark Places"
Omg that's it!! Thank you :)
Just watched it online and I don't have Disney+ ;)
I saw it on tv. Could be one of those hallmark or lifetime movies but not really sure.
Thanks, but that's not it...