MovieChat Forums > mannerism > Replies
mannerism's Replies
There were many funny twists in the final episode but the alienation of her daughter was not a twist. She alienated Catherine in almost every episode.
Blaming Gary felt forced - which is why they kept having to repeat "But we need a fall guy." Without that frequent observation, no one would have said "Hey, who is taking the fall for the Meyer fund" since that issue had long since been put to bed with the death of the ex-husband.
Thanks for mentioning that Selina was completely alone at the end. I am not sure you're interpreting that scene correctly. At least, that's not the way I interpreted it, thanks to the Trump administration. Consider that Trump burned everyone, cutting loose lawyers and advisors as easily as breathing. Yet, he had plenty more to replace them. Keep your standards low and there are plenty of terrible lawyers and advisors available. Selina had similarly low standards so why she was alone at the end struck me as a deliberate choice on her part rather than choices made by others.
I thought the ending was a nice twist and a bit of shock and realism to bring the movie back down to earth. Anything else would have been too saccharine. It was an excellent movie start to finish.
I thought the scene at the French plantation was important because France's involvement in Vietnam had just preceded the US and not mentioning it would have been a huge hole. That said, I found it to be one of the weaker scenes and wish it had been done better.
As for the other scenes, I enjoyed them. If you're going to be that picky, why even include a lot of other scenes such as the USO show, the surfing, etc.
I'm guessing it was because his passenger seat was littered with empty cans of Red Bull. Less worrisome but also a bit odd, his dashboard was full of maneki-neko (Chinese waving cat).