Dogiswhite's Replies

Moby's a Dick Mission Likely Possible Live and Let Live Star Wars the Lost Jedi Spider-Man Coming Spider-Man Nobody Home Venom Let There Be Cabbage Venom The Lost Dunce Captain America The Whiter Soldier Just Tag League Star Trek The Undiscovered Script Resident Evil Hibernation I would think so too, but some actors are more popular than the material. So a particular actor leaving a show could end up killing it. 42 is the answer to the question of the meaning of life. Now what was the question? As for the white dove, depends on its motivation..... Sure he was terrible but he didn't direct it. Tommy is so bad at everything: writing, directing, acting, probably even breathing. He's terrible in his own movies but decent in other peoples. I liked his role in From Dusk Til Dawn. In what way? Wrestling? Singing? Acting? Clint should have done more westerns, crime and action movies. Not a big fan of his later flims after A Pefect World. Ron was better at picking popular films, but lately is not so great either (The Grinch? Solo? Hillbilly Elegy?). I guess Clint but only because I like most of his westerns. Then the conflict will be misunderstanding of human languages and both Kong and Godzilla's anger management issues. For the voices Kong - Robert De Niro Godzilla - Jamie Foxx Other monsters will also speak such as Mothera - Akwafina King Ghidorah (each head will be a different actor) - Adam Sandler, Anthony Hopkins and Morgan Freeman Yeah it did seem that throughout the series the writers Mary Sued Captain Carter and seemed to bend over backward to make her the greatest thing ever. She was fine in a few episodes but after that it was too much. Now that it is finished, season 3 being the last one, 6 out of 10. Too much of the same style animation, too much Captain Carter (with the Watcher acting like a fangirl to her), poor quality stories for the most part (although a few good ideas and episodes) and as you said abrupt ending for most episodes. It seems that with animation, they only gave us 30 minute stories but some could have used more time. They did do a great job with the voice acting (getting the majority of their movie actors to reprise their roles). A shame too because there are so many stories in the What If comics that they could have done but choose not to. So good but not great and at times really bad. Probably because no cursing or use of the f and n words plus lack of gore and unnecessary violence. I do like a lot of Tarantino's films though. If you are talking music production as well: Thriller (Michael Jackson's most popular album) Yeah it is ridiculous. But have you considered changing your wi-fi provider? We offer competitive pricing. blah blah blah etc. You couldn't just post your thoughts here like everyone else? Yes most are pretty stupid, but a lot of them make money. And it is a "to each his own" kind of thing. Some people love everything Star Wars or Star Trek or Marvel. But each franchise should be judged by each film individually. But here are some from me that got bad after the first or second one: Alien after Aliens just repetitive or non sensical A Nightmare on Elm Street after the first one becomes too cartoony Star Wars OT original movie is so so, Empire is great and ROTJ is rehashed first film Superman: Reeve films first and second (though it has some strange stuff) are classics the others are a waste of film They all sound like bad ideas. The new name is going to be Nisonda or Honsan? A decent action film which would have been better not being tied to Marvel or superheroes in general and if it had starred The Rock instead. But the Rock has probably made many similar but maybe not as violent and bloody films.