MovieChat Forums > Magicdave > Replies
Magicdave's Replies
It might be a good movie. Time will tell. I personally like the 2003 live action film.
Disney Corp. is not spreading lies. They are being spread by anti-Disney sheep who cannot think for themselves and do some actual research.
According to everything I have checked up on in interviews with many of Disney's employees, Disney was not racist.
Walt Disney was NOT a racist or an anti-semite. There are Jewish and Black people who worked for him, and in interviews said that they were treated very well.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
That being said, I personally think that, as an artist, she has every right to present herself in any way she sees fit. But her choice of overdoing the earrings, nails and other accoutrements does make her less than attractive to my eyes.
If she toned down the accessories, she would be more attractive.
An example of a woman who looks attractive as a bald woman with less accessories:
At last, an intelligent poster who is unaffected by the "political correctness" infecting American culture now.
It's too bad Pat Morita passed away. I would love to have seen him meet with Jackie Chan.
There are MANY people in this world who have the last name 'White", and there were many people who have the name "Black".
Well, we know that she didn't get fired! (Another internet rumor debunked!)
Too bad. Another mindless person buying into some fanatic's agenda, which eventually will lead to another senseless act of violence.
What is really sad is that the poster thinks what someone else thinks.
One of my absolute favorite films that he did.
Just search for "comedy short films" and you should get a good sampling of small independent film makers showing off their projects. There are also a LOT of short horror films on Youtube, of varying degrees of quality.
I agree.
I laugh harder at some independent film producers on Youtube (And I don't mean kitty videos) than some of the sitcoms airing now.
Some of the dreck that they are trying to pass off as "comedy" is terrible (Granted, there were some klunkers back when I was young, but it feels like most sitcoms back then did not try to insult your intelligence)
Because she screws on film?
I am a big fan of the animated films, so I am hopefully looking forward to the live action film being of the same quality (fingers crossed).
You haven't missed anything.
"Thousands of jobs leaving in Iowa. Where was Superman?"
In the pages of comic books.
Like this...
Pretty Much, although she does approach clients as herself. The Duke helps her with cases for the first 3 or 4 seasons and then the actor that plays him left for other work.
Too bad ... he was very good also.