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emori's Replies

Transition between girl and adult Furiosa was weird. They should have shown her years. Because in no way in that barbarian society Woman would live among 1000 horny men safe. In no way she with her perfect womans face could fool anyone. And she had long hair! For who knows why. She would cut it off. There was a movie with Casey Affleck where women died and only men left. And he had a daughter of some 10 years. And for years he pretended she was a boy to protect her. Cutting hair, wearing saggy cloth. Still as she would grow past 10 - men would look at her and recognize she is a girl. In no way Furiosa could live there and pretending to be man. It was very lazy writing. Yes. He was so empty. I had no connection to any of them. Yet movie expected me to sit and care about them. I enjoyed action. But when they went to apartment and bar - movie just stopped. They kept and kept talking. I guess. It's weird. It's like old farts at the studio think that this is "what popular and appeals to youth". LOL. Yep. Killed their chances. Wonder whose idiotic idea it was. It's like they think their target audience is 16 years old tik-tokers. Don't they know their audience is 40-50 years old people who watched Gladiator in theaters when they were young? Right after Lindsay Lohan and Justin Bieber. Wednesday fans keep confusing actress with character. It's very obvious at this point that Ortega is very bland, boring and forgettable actress. It was Wednesday character that shined. But Ortega can't find those type of well written characters every time. So like many other - she will be "actor of one role" and will vanish after hype for Wednesday will die down. One bad season is enough to do that. Stranger Things actors basically vanished. Only Millie Bon Jovi still tries with her Netflix movies. Same with Game of Throns actors. "Jamie" actor just vanished after it ended. Overnight. Trailer finally arrived. Here is Youtube OMG. This looks so bad. I actually laughed. Not for one second I had a feeling I was in Ancient Rome. They all look like American Actors from 2024 playing pretend. This is like some Starz tv show. Casting is so bad. Denzel Washington plays Denzel Washington Pedro Pascal plays Pedro Pascal They were acting like Paul Mescal was some unknown treasure who is so charismatic that we will fall in love once we see him in movie. And he looks like... some dude. And we have young Russel Crowe to compare to. Who was full of charisma. And then there are two idiots who are some "mad emperor" or something. Who look like caricature and SNL parody and not some "mad emperor". Acting is just so bad in every frame of trailer. This gonna flop so hard. Can't see it making more then 130 millions. Considering 300 millions budget.... Like what is the plot? Why should I be dying to see it? Gladiator had a plot: "Maximus was betrayed, his family killed and he was doing revenge, defying emperor. And there was another line with Commodus being little crazy and intense and had to face Maximus ". Here? "Oh, look CGI coliseum. Oh, look, Pedro Pascal being all noble, oh look, Denzel Washington showed up once in 5 years. Oh, gladiators fighting. Oh, CGI fight at the sea. ". Just look at the trailer of original Gladiator and compare. And then they put rap song!!! Like a nail in the coffin. Do they aim this trailer for 16 years old tik-tokers? Don't they know their audience is 40-50 years old people who watched Gladiator in theaters when they were young? This is just disrespecting. No. But I was always bored with Westerns. And could never understood Hollywood obsession with them. And people don't care that much too. Since so many of them flop. Third movie of Back to the Future was least interesting because it was set during Western Times. It made the least money. They are always the same pretty much. They build one small fake street for movie. With 10 houses and 1 tavern. Where most of the things happen. Then there are women in the background. Sheriff. Bad guys who come to town and are maniacs and shoot everyone for no reason. Then they chase each other. Hollywood likes romantics of it. But it's extremely boring for viewers. And they never show up in masses. Flop Yes. Movie was actually better up until the Adult Furiosa showed up. When it was more about Dementus and then his rivalry with Citadel. Anya Taylor-Joy was not good. Movie fell apart in quality when she showed up. Stoic and boring. Even girl-furiosa was more interesting to watch. Hemsworth was actually good. He had character development. It was fun when his crazy ass was on screen. And I did like "Mama Furiosa". Actress was good and charismatic. Yep. And Dementus did not recognize her up until the final moments when she told him. Such lazy writing. Nah. It was just lazy writing. It felt like there should have been more scenes explaining but were never shot or cut off. I can suspend my disbelief. It's movie. I understand. But there are limits to that. It's disrespecting to viewers. In no way she could live with her woman body and long hair 10 years among huge gang of men who would not notice and did not try to f*ck her. Young horny men with no women around at all. It's not like there was a hotel and they all had personal rooms. They all slept on the floor in one giant cave. It was forced and boring. When people want to see boring drama about sad people - they go and watch those arthouse movies. When they go to movies like A Quiet Place - they go for thriller and horror. That's why it fell -60% in second week end. This is not the movie people want to re-watch. Because it's "cancer drama about sad boring lonely people" instead about Monsters and Apocalypse. And those moments go forever. The scene in the jazz bar was dragging forever. I saw people taking phones in my theater. Nobody cared about their "moving moment". There was no reason for her to sacrifice herself so he could make it to the boat. It was another Hollywood cliche. I actually laughed. So cliche and silly it looked. Best part of movies. I liked that. Looks boring, honestly. Do they know that we can see same pictures in regular F1 race? And it's not breathtaking to see it for 1000 time in this movie. Music looks wrong. Not to mention the end. When movie send weird message <spoiler>That when you are terminate ill - just off yourself in style instead of trying to live till your last breath. She should have gone on that boat and then die off screen when movie ended and when her time will come. Not to mention she looked fine whole movie and walked and ran like a person in good health. Which was confusing when they kept mentioning she is about to die soon. That's why it was weird when she then ran off and killed herself. They didn't show her being actually very ill. </spoiler> Yep. Wooden and cold. I never connect with her character. And her "fan base" are just pro-palestine woke people who run around internet and defend her because of what she was fired. But they don't care about her as an actress and don't go to her movies. It's all fake. Camila Cabello supposedly has 65 MILLIONS imsta followers. And then her new album flops with selling only 30 THOUSANDS. Despite people on Twitter pages praising her. But it's all fake. None of them went to support her with money. Same with Barrera. Yes. It was very funny. I don't think anyone in that crowd knew this d-lister actor and that movie. All they saw some gang-looking like two old farts coming out of car and attacking people. But watch TMZ full video. Now you know how MACHETE movie would look in real life. In real life old fart midget MACHETE got his ass kicked in a second. That guy he attacked just hit him in leg and then slightly pushed and MACHETE was laying on the ground. Because real life aint movie. He got lucky people stepped in. Otherwise he would try to attack that guy again and would be beaten up more. There is a full video on TMZ That bitch got out of his car and went to assault random people. Thinking he is in some Hollywood movie and actor-villains will fall after he punches them. But since it's real world he got his ass beaten fast and his fried even harder. Then tried to blame it on race, as hollywood clowns always do. He really should be charged with assault and put in prison. There were children there. And he could not even know who threw water. He just went and attacked random people. He could be dead is he would hit his head when falling on concrete. Dances with Wolves would flop coming these days.