JoWilli2's Replies

thank you again for talking about President Donald J Trump and not that other guy who has dementia... dems forgot about him the day after he got killed by blm... 100% of democrats believe the 2016 election was stolen, hence why we got the Mueller Report, but now there is no investigation into the supposed chicanery that dementia Joe was complaining about and Hillary said not to accept the results of the election. Nancy saggy boobs McGee tried for 4 years to get rid of Trump but she couldnt do it, until the election. its not who votes in a election, its who counts the votes... still waiting for that Mueller Report style investigation into the cheating and colluding by dementia Joe. it explains how futbol works. "Kicking a Ball and Pretending to be Hurt" - Robin teaches the Titans how to play soccer. They quickly become obsessed, and accidentally uncover the secret reason why the sport is so popular. according the great and powerful internet, dementia Joe hasnt taken the cognitive test yet. not sure, thought Futbol might be a thing. did u watch the video? haha nice! or a Chili Rainbow or just dont have sex or buttsecks is an option...does no one give handies anymore? her nudes are pretty good, except for that smug face, but yeah, she completely changed her look which prob turned off some fans. typical dem, always insulting people, but claim to be better than everyone else. somedays I wonder how much easier life would be if identified as a looney liberal. but then I wake up and realize that I dont want to be a looney liberal and want to be able to think for myself and not be told what to do like dems are...someday your eyes will be opened but it will be too late as America will be over by then. RIP America, 1776 - 2022 he killed the keystone pipeline but approved of the Russian oil pipeline, way to go dementia Joe. if a toddler can do it, then why hasnt dementia Joe taken it? are you saying he is dumber than a toddler? they havent done many checks on dementia Joe, even though he is a liar. Vote for me and I will give everyone $2000, lie No American will be left behind in Afghanistan, lie more lies... dementia Joe told us that the surging number of migrants we were witnessing at our country’s southern border was nothing out of the ordinary. It was way out of the ordinary dementia Joe told us that he “wouldn’t demand that [COVID vaccines] be mandatory.” That was before he thought they should be mandatory. dementia Joe assured us that if we were vaccinated, the chances were near zero that we would get sick enough to have to be hospitalized. Then he said the unvaccinated are a danger to those of us who have been vaccinated. This raises a question: “Huh?” That’s just a sampling of dementia Joes misinformation. There’s a price to pay for dishonesty and dementia Joe is paying it. His poll numbers are down. Some leaders around the world surely have lost trust in what he says. His dishonesty threatens to harm America’s credibility around the world. Rub my hairy legs, the truth... Sacker, thats funny. Its weird that 2 different sports can be called Football, or is it Futbol? you mean Fut Bol? he definitely cheated, so thanks for agreeing with me... thats not proof, thats just a crazy person saying crazy things. where is the video proof? so far dementia Joe has refused to take the cognitive test that Trump also had to take. according to the doctors, Trump aced the test. but at least dementia Joe has been in the senate for 120 years so we are in good hands. good point, he doesnt have the brain power to make those kind of decisions. you mean soccer?