MovieChat Forums > marktayloruk > Replies
marktayloruk's Replies
That's how people talk in real life.
The second was only - a - bloody - joke!
No film.should be edited for TV.
I was referring to Bridget not Renee.
Bridget 51 not 55. Just saw film and really enjoyed it. Felt sorry for some of the kids with those weird names - and is it mere coincidence that parent and paranoid begin with the same three letters?
He was well balanced in that he had chips on both shoulders and a pathological hatred of the West.
The saying - one Yank and they're off!
None of his business - and what were their men up to with the local girls abroad?
But it was supposed their fifteenth anniversary- which would have meant marrying in the 60s.
My reply - and?
What's wrong with betting?
School should be a democracy.The Head should be elected by the staff and all rules should require the assent of a freely elected school council.
Meredith was simply a callous tart. Georgy makes me think of Bridget Jones!
I not only remember it but wish it was still going!
Especially as their successors do it to. Right-wingers today.
All.stereotypes are founded in reality.And why.shouldn't we aim to make life more like the movies?
One of the most effective anti-racist films ever made. There are good and bad among all peoples.
It was a joke!
It was and I didn't enjoy it
There was more space then!
What would £500 a year be today allowing for inflation?