MovieChat Forums > stones78 > Replies
stones78's Replies
The OP probably visited many bathhouses, me thinks.
screw you, retard.
I find him and his bug eyes annoying.
smoke-filled rooms, I assume too. 2nd hand smoke.
isn't he just another short guy? Doesn't exactly look imposing as the great Reggie Nalder. Rutger Hauer was meh.
not that it totally matters, but he smoked cigars, and maybe that was a factor?
"it's creepy".
Regarding the "sex" scene, it seems like she said "I can't" a few times to Babe, then he gets annoyed, and removes himself from her body. Did they do the deed or didn't they? It seemed rather forced to me.
Was really unnecessary in this film for any gay angle.
good catch.
She plays a country music star in "Alice", and we're supposed to believe that she wants to marry Mel the slob.
have you seen her recently without make-up...yikes! I'm talking the overrated Jennifer.
once you have too much sex(imo), nothing else to look forward to.
sex once a week is probably more than average, so yes, a relationship can still work out.
Too many colored folks are brainwashed unfortunately, and they believe whatevs their Dem leaders tell them. Don't think for 1 second that the politicians want their "constituents" leaving the 'hood.
she's black? Coulda fooled me. Maybe she just sucks as an actress.
That's a very dumb and unfunny moment when she acts that way.
Peggy sucked, lousy junkie she was in real life. Dopey eyes.
Rockford(James Garner)did many of his own stunts, not sure about Connors though.
I had a feeling Gail was a junkie in real life...look at those stoned/sleepy eyes.