Puvwall's Replies

Dude, Diana ross - Im coming out. Amazing tune Was abba disco ?love me some abba. I agree with the OP. While it is a but long. The effects were so unique, not to mention the creators vision. It reminded me a bit of those old radiohead kid A blips from the early 2000s. I would love to see more movies use this style. More artsy themes, in place of a comedy. But again magnificent film, idea, production. The people involved should be proud. And that girl was so beautiful. She owns the scenes shes in .... Especially that one. I did conclude that, but i think by the end the film would have benefited by fleshing out the other characters more. Specifically the lighting girl. American splendor. Harvey pekar bio . Great film/doc Everyone one here in canada is waiting on a over due election. Happy new year Everyone https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bCvsikXZ9wk&pp=ygUfbWFydmluIGdheWUgYWluJ3QgdGhhdCBwZWN1bGlhcg%3D%3D My jam today Dont go in the summer. The heat will keep you inside. Con no pot Pro plenty of booze and smokes if your a smoker. Just a great country and fascinating ordered polite culture Nice! My son is just getting into chess now at 7. So nice to have some to play with! One of my favorites. The town of derry with all its history is one of the most interesting aspects. Derry really comes to life in that book Still the same i would suspect Bump Made me cry at the end. Only my 2nd time watching it. Cant remember the first time i watched it, was so long ago. But it led to get some of his comics. A beautiful film I get a similar feeling when i watch tim burtons Ed wood. Im so happy i have a family Not the fan of letos later work. But this i feel is good casting Boobie Bump That sweeny chick would make a good Inga. Watching him do small youtube channel press like nardwaur, is making me wanna see it. He seems very grounded and genuine in his interest. Speaking of tim Interesting your not wrong! Im a big fan of appropriation. I happy it was more fox era, as im not that into mcu, as a 39 year old guy, i enjoyed the love letter it became to movies that came before it. I mean i have no fucking clue what the storyline really was. But i enjoyed all the fan service. Felt like a royal rumble. Weird to think the first x men movie was god damn over 20 years ago Agreed with o.p. Why have the swearing if your gonna be so pg about everything else. Overall nice shut of the brain movie to watch with the kids. But im glad i didnt pay to see it