Hummusboy1's Replies

If there’s nothing wrong with it then why do so many rightwingers act like being woke is this awful thing? He wants a gimme-trophy for holding a belief 50% of Americans also believe. Most of the great comedians were ‘offensive’, even leftwing dopes like Amy Shumer technically dabble in offensive material. Burr isn’t even that offensive honestly, but he sure wants to be known for being the most offensive comedian ever. This is as a fan of his work too. And being annoyed is the same as being offended? I suppose if someone keeps poking my ribs, I’m supposed to stand there and take it instead of telling them to stop or walking away? You assume that every single leftist is a raging extremist who hates gender identities. I’ll do the same an assume every rightwinger fucks their family members and lynches minorities at klan ralleys. It’s quite simple to fathom, really. Liberalism is helping your neighbors and the world to make it a better place. Conservatism is relishing in old-school outdated idealogies to keep the world in the dark ages. Easy. Ironically most conservatives are uneducated blue collar wageslaves, while most liberals are educated with degrees and high paying jobs that aren’t changing oil or repairing tires in 100F degree factories. This aged beautifully. He’s still an alpha male who doesn’t take shit from little bitches. The Star Wars movies have never been big in China. In fact, the original trilogy and prequel trilogies both made little to no financial impact in China. Your argument makes no sense. I agree. It’s pathetic that these marvel supporters will pretty much suck any MCU film’s dick. DCU fans are bad too but you don’t really hear about them. Okay libtard You got so triggered that you wrote 12 paragraphs just to explain how triggered you are. Maybe if you dedicated that time towards education, you’d be smart enough to know that these movies are garbage. But, here we are. Sorry, kid. Aww cry more for me, snowflake. Is it possible for a current VP to run for president? Or do they have to wait until their 8 years are up to run for the job? I wonder if Kamala will just try to run instead of Joe in 2024, but I don’t know if that’s possible. He’ll be set for life just because of devout conservatives who worship him. I don’t think he’d join the military, as much as he’d love playing soldier. Boot camp would be hell for him. Drill instructor would annihilate his bootyhole during PT and exercise. Cant imagine a hospital hiring him due to the controversy attached to his name. Plus, the irony of a guy who shot someone also being the guy saving your life does not bode well. Imagine being left-leaning finding out he’s your nurse. Hospitals are known to turn down potential hired who are far-leaning anywhere on the political spectrum in fear of patient political bias. He could possibly be a conservative politician. The right would vote for him just for existing. A police force would probably take him on somewhere, though just as many would reject him because of his name. I think he could just sit around and sig heil at home while raking in donation worship money from the right. Sophisticated? The MCU? This has to be a troll account. You are definitely no film buff if you think the two MCU Spider-Man flicks are the two best superhero flicks ever made. Change your username asap. You’re mostly correct about all that. However, I’ve definitely heard alot of conservatives defend Chauvin. Some users on this very site have used phrases like “Floyd had it coming” and “another one off the streets”. Lots have defending Chauvin by saying he was just following police protocol and it wasn’t his fault for obeying his training. Additionally, an assload of people genuinely believe Floyd died of a drug overdose even when his official coroner’s report lists asphyxiation as his cause of death. You’re right that hypocrisy goes around. I don’t think people were irate that George Floyd died nessicarily. Conservatives actually ask themselves “why do the left care so much about some random hoodlum???” It wasn’t about Floyd. It was the fact that a white cop committed murder on camera and then got away scot free. The riots didn’t start until AFTER Chauvin was found not guilty. People seem to coincidently forget that crucial fact. That, and the fact that George Zimmerman was found not guilty for killing Trayvon Martin after 14 witnesses claimed Martin was screaming for help. And afterwards, Zimmerman auctioned the gun he killed Martin with, and named his gun “Niggerkiller” online, also stating all proceeds from the gun would go to efforts to stop Black Lives Matter. He was guilty as fuck, and an open racist, but was found not guilty. The Floyd riots were also partially in response to Martin’s murder. Maybe stop worshipping him? Where are you running off to, your city council meeting to propose building a Rittenhouse statue? Shooting a robber entering your house is self defense. Shooting a carjacker pointing a gun at your face is self defense. Driving to another state and putting yourself in danger to purposely live out a Call Of Duty fantasy is not self defense. I might as well go to the most dangerous neighborhood in the Detroit and purposely walk around with a loaded gun until somebody tries to threaten me. Can I be a hero then? Yet to see it? Are you blind while using moviechat? You cant read any other post?