TheyLiveWeSleep's Replies

Sissyfied world we live in. I think that's what makes the film even better. A sequel would of been cool though. He's weaker than all of his opponents back then and now. It was actually a joke he had a draw with Johnny in season 4. Chyna would of been better for the movie IMO. We get it OP. You took the jab. They tie together bro. What's fake about it? It happened. Sheep won't question anything about it either. Wonder if he got the jab... Weird opinion I don't mind flashbacks but the movie just sucks lol. It's freaking horrible. 3 was trash. 4 is even worse. Can't believe it. Lana? But yes the movie was trash. She? Movie was freaking horrible. I thought the 3rd was gutter trash. I thought they were gonna bring it for this movie. Matrix 4 is now even worse than 3 somehow. Crazy. Lol yep Trash thread I just did my part in giving it a 1. You can't pay me any amount to take that poison. John wick 4 for me. Adding my dude donnie yen(ip man) to the cast. Can't wait. Mission impossible 7 I'm looking forward to more than batman.