MovieChat Forums > CalvinJarrett > Replies
CalvinJarrett's Replies
Hahaha, fellow Stern fan, huhh, Onan?
I can tell you that of all the movies on Netflix, I chose Reptile because of its name. It made a boring, uninspired crime thriller seem supernatural or of the 'serial killer' ilk. I should have come here first to see that the one word title was the most interesting thing about the movie. As it happens, I fell asleep with 45 minutes to go, allowed my laptop to slip off my lap and broke the headphone jack. Now I can't listen to the rest of the movie, but I was not invested in it either way. Good thing my headphones were only $10.00.
I agree with most of what you said, letess. The period detail and scenery were superb. However, I do wonder why if this film took place in Germany (or a country in which gentlemen are addressed as "Herr), all of the actors and actresses speak in British accents. If authenticity is so sacrosanct, why weren't they trained and directed to speak in German accents (or the accent of whichever European mainland nation in which these proceedings are taking place)?
Also, ByTheVineyard's point is a valid one. His/her complaint is one of writing, not art direction or acting skill. I agree. The story is slow. It is boring, muddled, and the ending is rather anti-climactic, as it is basically a case of predestination. So I think what ByTheVineyard is asking is why heap elaborate sets, costume design, and production values on a mediocre (if not poor) script?
I realize I'm 8 years late in replying, jurassictrek, but I think ... I think ... I have to agree with you. The thing is, it shouldn't be. It does have a great cast, but I have tried now six times to watch this movie. I keep falling asleep every time. Fortunately, I have made it to the point that there are only about 35 minutes left, so I should have this done the next time I start watching. But though I can not pinpoint what I find boring about it, this film has been nothing short of a tranquilizer.
I agree. And it was quite obvious that the make-up staff applied something to Plummer's eyes to create fake tears (or make him cry). Plummer was not inherently moved by Bujold's performance, at least not enough to cry naturally. While, like you, stones78, I did think the scene slowed the film, I thought the juxtaposition of having all of those insane female inmates in the same cell overhearing Bujold's private recollections was pretty interesting.
We think alike, DoctorThirteen!
Exactly, Zarkoff! That scene where Thorn and the journalist played by David Warner trespass into the cemetery and exhume Damian's natural mother's corpse only to find the remnants of a jackal was utterly chilling in 1976 and every time The Omen replayed on television in the '80's and '90's. And I'm willing to bet it hasn't lost any of its punch in 2025. So for them to just eschew that brilliant bit of writing and cinematography from the original Omen was derelict in my opinion. At first I thought, "Well, they wouldn't have a prequel and we wouldn't be introduced to this lovely novitiate played by Nell Tiger Free," but then I thought they could have had it both ways by allowing her to literally turn into an animal, a jackal, right before our eyes. She could have died in the street and Sister Sylva picks up the baby, some other henchman sweeps the jackal's remains into a body bag of sorts and scene. They could have ended it right there or if they wanted to discuss Thorn coming to adopt him, fine, they could have done that
Nah, your friend is okay. That's four 6's, not three. Now if he were born on the 6th of June, 2006, that's another story ...
That was the way the author of the book and screenplaay, David Seltzer, envisioned it. Clandestine satanists. The renegade Catholics angle was stupid, and, frankly, offensive. In the book, they go into the motivations of the evil satan worshippers within the Church through Father Brennan's background and dialogue. He was actually involved in some inappropriate conduct but saw the errors of his ways and sought to make amends by stopping Damian from fulfilling his goals.
I agree Where and DoctorThirteen, dumb move to do away with the mother-as-jackal angle from the original. And it was so unnecessary. In the scene after Margaret exits her vehicle after it was t-boned, she seems to go through all nine months of pregnancy in three minutes. She also appears to be acting like a feral beast. I thought she was going to turn into a jackal right there and deliver the baby on the street. I don't know why they didn't do that and remain faithful to the 1976 classic film. Oh, I figured it out - greed for a potential sequel that nobody wants or needs.
I was wondering when the songs played in the disco scene were written because, though discoteques existed in 1971, the one featured in this movie looked a lot more like the type popular in the mid-late '70's. Good call, MrFilmJunkie, and poor period detail on the part of the producers. There's really no excuse for that kind of error when anyone can look up any song on their phone and find out what year it came out!
I saw this with two of my buddies and when he died when the sun came up I elbowed my friend seated next to me and said, "Pussy too good, I guess."
That's an excellent analogy, Lucia2016, but I think they already got it wrong. I think it could have been an excellent series if perhaps the four stayed on the outside, went underground, and conspired to bring Lumon down while trying to stay alive. Perhaps Cobel could have provided them some kind of shelter (lair) and help them now that Lumon fired her?
I think your (and my) fears have sadly come true.
Well, at least as far as Mark was concerned, in the first season they had Ms. Cobel monitoring him as his seemingly, kindly neighbor in the townhouses where they both resided.
I just can't fathom that law enforcement would allow her to go to sleep and just return to that place as an Innie after she accused Lumon of such treachery in such a public way. And I can't imagine her returning as an Outtie undercover. After you come to the realization as to what's been happening to you and go public about it, why would you go back and why would Lumon let you back in? Better they just re-integrate the four and say, "Everyone else is happy and they'll be even happier now that we're instituting reforms." Then have the original four work to defeat Lumon once and for all from mthe outside perhaps with new actors/actresses to infiltrate Lumon from the inside. That, to me, would have been the only way to continue the series. As of now, I have not yet been able to bring myself to watch episode 2.
Of course, they aren't heroes to Lumon. To their credit, none of the four appear to actually believe the PR spin the calymation video espouses. But it just doesn't make sense that the company would continue on or that Lumon would allow each of the four back into the premises.
Her first name is Dorothy (also 1930's). Her middle name is Faye. She decided to go by 'Faye' for career purposes.
I was three when The Changeling premiered, so, naturally, I did not see it in theaters. However, it was one of those movies that constantly aired on TV in the '80's. I don't believe they needed to edit out any coarse language and there was no need to censor blood and gore. Still, it was utterly terrifying - at least to an 8 - 10-year-old boy, like myself.
My father had seen it (likely in 1980), and he warned me not to watch it when it aired on our local channels. One night, while my babysitter was likely on the phone with her boyfriend, I started watching it. I didn't even make it all the way through, but that seance, the bouncing rubber ball, and the flashbacks of the murder of a child really scared the hell out of me. I didn't want to turn out the lights, I had bad dreams, and my dad, while sympathetic, did say, "I told you so."
Haha, MovieFanGal, it appears the last comment on this thread was from 14 years ago from Fargo_North! So when I left my post, I didn't think I was going to hear back from anyone for a very long time. Seeing one three minutes later, I had to see if you were Fargo_North or one of the other posters from a decade(s) ago! That would be like something out of Burnt Offerings if no matter how much time went by the original poster(s) responded as soon as a new reply was entered!