MovieChat Forums > CommonSense > Replies
CommonSense's Replies
In partial to him on Becker
So he makes these really long winded threads just to troll people? Not that he has alot of time on his hands and thinks too deeply into stuff? Im just asking, idk. Nothing against you or him, idk neither of ya. But the troll word gets miss used all the time these days.
I appreciate the heads up though
Hopefully we're talking beginning of GOT, not the last few seasons. I actually like the thought. Im still gunna stand behind dont change story, But if they were gunna change story, a GOT style would be great. Loved the first few seasons
I dont feel like this dumps on my thoughts. Its a well thought out debate of reasons you feel it wouldn't work.
I've not sitten down and thought of some well drawn out idea of how to remake the original. Some people seem to think I've got some huge idea of how I'd like a remake done. I just simply like how the newer movies visually fit the model of the era star wars is in vs the classic visuals that are mechanical and don't fit that era or universe ino. Its like comparing a 2d game to a 3d game and the game should be 3d, but its in 2d.
I love the actors, characters and story of the originals. Yes i could change some of it for my liking, but to me the movies are so old I've grown content to the story im ok with it. I dont need a change of story just to fit me.
Again, I've not thought about how or what, just imo and for my liking, a remake with our technology now days would make the originals much better imo. Its really a simple thought. And if people don't like it, they can go elsewhere. Or simply give a decent response why they disagree as you did.
I have zero problem if someone simply saying they prefer the originals and thats it. No elaboration needed. If they wanna explain and give reasons, thats great to. As you did.
But as you may have seen, a few people above gave sarcastic, clown-ish or troll-ish type responses. It was ignorant and unnecessary. Sometimes i ignore, sometimes i respond. Depends my day, time and mood.
Idk about worse. Its just lazier and repeated nostalgia. The entire series is a cycle of repeating every couple episodes. No real character growth, just added characters. So i think your just tired of it as i am and many are. Or as you said, the gimmick has run its course.
Honestly can it get any worse? It can only go up right? I'm sorry, i dont mean to dump on this show, but they should've ended it with season 5. It was a decent show. I enjoyed it at first. But as the seasons went on there wasnt really any new decent material. Yeah they added characters, but the they already had really never had any growth. Constant childhood banter, dont get along, learn and fix things, just to only restart it in next episode or 2 again. And this cycle repeats countless times through entire show.
Season 6 was not necessary. Its bad. But I'll finish it cuz im this far.
My reply is to "TrentnQuarantino".
My gf and i watched this. We both liked it. But its a show you gotta watch and follow otherwise you'll miss stuff.
Oh boy, i see you set yourself up to get man handled. Its ok if you didnt understand or like the show. But don't go out in front of people showing a lack of intelligence while bashing something. They are gunna pick your bones clean
Everyone's comedy isnt someone else's. Lots of comedy movies dont appeal to me. Now i liked TBBT myself. Not my top. But certainly pretty funny. T&HM is my 2nd fav in the the Charlie years. Still funny, but dropped when Ashton came aboard. Way more on the writers than Ashton being the problem.
May i ask what sitcoms you prefer as hilarious?
Looks like a troll thread you all
I like to use all types of the "you're" and "there" as well, just to bother the grammar police
Asking for intelligence here in threads is a very tall order
Best be careful with that word intelligence, cuz that will be flipped to a guy being "gay" as well
For the time its made i cannot argue that. And we do know they'd use alot of cgi now. I frankly dont mind certain amount of cgi. I dont like it over the top like they love doing
I'd prefer real props, scenery and costumes as much as possible mixed in with cgi for the rest.
The last 6 movies were far more realistic looking than the originals. Especially any action scene. Over the top cgi or not. It fits the timeline of it better.
I do find it interesting how people hate cgi so much, but are ok with overly unrealistic looking puppets.
Btw, You're (I'll use right ones so you're panties dont get all knotted up) first response was a clown or troll response about adding air fryers. So, to me, thats not seeming like a real clarification question by you.
Oh yeah. I love to use all the different yours and theres. Really can get the grammar police going. I find that amusing. Sorry thats just 1 bad habit of mine. When i talk to people in person and use "there" or "your" I've never been stopped and asked which form of "they're" or "you're" im using so they understood. So in threads i just type whichever i feel like cuz people should know and understand just the same.
And i thought i just explained the "everyone on this thread" logic. 3 people is hardly enough for anything. Plus you gotta weigh in the audience and what not.
My original post wasn't written in some cryptic form. Its rather simple. So, i kinda don't see the point in clarifying. The old films are outdated. I wish a remake so they visually look better, realistic and to the date the movie is based for. But keep original story entirely. Not entirely rocket science, nor needing clarification.
Dont say this too loud. I don't want the trolls above to come down on you, lmao. Im ok with them. They dont really bother me.
I really do like the originals though. Great acting. Alot if good actors. Story just amazing. But every so often I'll binge watch the 9. And going from the first 3 in trilogy to the 3 originals, to the last 3, its tough watching the originals because man, they are so unrealistic and outdated visually. Not every minute of movie, but any action part of movie
Yeah, never scary to me. But it was better at the start. Alot of that was it being new and fresh.
Back in the day on "imdb" discussion pages i use to make a thread for each new episode. I would name all the unrealistic stuff in the episode. Stuff like the "magical ambulance landing on its wheels scene". People would comment in things they saw that i missed and if what they saw was a legit issue id edit my post and have the updates at bottom and the person who noticed it. I never took credit for other peoples stuff. But obviously if people suggested stuff like glass half full, and empty from 1 shot to next, i didnt list all that.
I really miss those days. Were alot of fun. But the grammar police and trolls get to be too much
Seek medical help. Your unaware of what trolls are. I feel genuinely sorry for you.
Seemingly how it seems theres more trolls on these threads than actual real people, your "everyone can see that" comment doesn't carry a ton of weight.
I never said i couldnt be wrong
I said what i wished for. Never said it would happen. Just said a wish of mine. I actually think they'd make their money back. And then some easily. Some diehards wouldn't go, thats a given. But Lots would go to see the difference. Then the parents taking children because neither were around when originals came out. And so on. Lots would go watch.
They make remakes now to target all these people. Some remakes stay real close to original stories. So, im not entirely sure how your trying to spin this around as your sane and im delusional without any common sense. Next time think that through more. Besides the fact you said you weren't giving me more of your time, yet here you are.