MovieChat Forums > riraho > Replies

riraho's Replies

The whole movie is really funny but the Unsolved Mysteries scene with Robert Stack. Next door neighbor Mrs. (Mary Johnson) who asked not to be identified said.... According to Angela Bones a nosy B who lives up the street... I was DEAD. they say so in the movie lol. they point out how quickly humans are evolving, like the time frame between going from hunter gatherers to farming to industrialization to learning flight to leaving the planet all happened exponentially quicker as time moved on. they also say the aliens only chance to defeat humans is to ruin their science, which is ahead of theirs and trends towards getting better by the time they arrive. IDK what to tell you but that's what they state in the show. idk how people are missing this but the aliens are behind humans in technology. 1 and 3 -- they do need help. the aliens are not ahead of humans, they are behind. they discuss how quickly and progressively the humans are advancing compared to the aliens and their only hope is to ruin the science humans have so they will fall back to or below the levels of the aliens. 2 -- for the sake of suspending disbelief you have to assume Earth is the only desirable place they can find. 4 -- idk it's not a great idea but the detective does seem somewhat reckless? -I think you have it backwards -- the aliens are behind humans in regard to technology. They say their only hope is to ruin the science that humans already have and bring them back to or below their level. -I would work with the idea that the sophons were created hundreds of years ago, in a time where the aliens are much less sophisticated and probably incapable of killing off humanity at the time of the show. I don't *love* this show but a lot of the problems people have on their board are misplaced or overblown. I think the point of the show is that no one is what they seem -- the name of the show itself is FAR from the truth. Again, the point is there is no reason to put it into the script if it doesn't mean anything. As the other poster pointed out and now makes sense to me, it shows that Bobby was in an environment that would have encouraged thoughts of racial/ethnic superiority. it's sort of like chekov's gun...if it's in the movie, it's in there for a reason. i wanted to know the reason and the other poster explained it. I gather that type of analytical capacity is probably beyond your capability tho. <i>You couldn't just shake your head and go about your day</i> LOL then what are you doing here? what do you think the point of this website is? No, I don't see why they would use it when there hasn't been a black person in the movie, at least not one that Wheelock would have interacted with. Even in a world where it was casually used, using it here with no correlation makes no sense. But, as the other poster mentioned below, it does have a purpose, which previously went totally over my head. Wow -- Jeez, that makes a ton of sense and went right over my head. Marty is sort of a klutz. He takes several bumps and pratfalls in the movie...I'm sure he was taken care of. He took charge and he knew where to dispose of the body and the car. Don't overthink it -- they see the chase, they see the helicopter, they see the fleet of squad cars...they realize Cruise is a bad ass and they help him get one over on the cops. Chuck Norris is 5'9" and made a career out of being a tough guy. Disagree -- Dave is the one that sets Ray and Art off when he tells them he saw them digging in the backyard. Larry, we're not electing the fucking pope here. What's funny is that Kevin Dunne's character was a real psychic - his premonition that the world would end on New Years Eve was correct, until the Ghostbusters stopped it. It was a completely acceptable ending to the series, in a world where shows now often either don't get a finale or the show runners decide the audience doesn't deserve a good one. My favorite part of your post is that you didn't want to offend anyone by using a stereotype.