Confused, can you help?
So I have a few questions, points that I am a little foggy on;
So they do the WoW signal thing, and get a reply from a pacifist of the San-ti saying do not reply, but we reply anyway (hoping that some overlords will make for us a better world than leaving things to our own making). But their intention is Conquering (does that mean exterminating us)? They are technically advanced and consider us as bugs, their world is also dying and they seek stability/new home, yet somehow with an unstable world they are able to advance (technologically) so quickly. So...
1) Why communicate with us at all. It doesn't make sense that they need our help to conquer. Do we communicate with ants or other bugs/pests that we want to eradicate them from a building or whatever? Unless they are simply threatening us by calling us bugs...
2) Why come to us, the universe is a big place, if they seek stability surely heaps of places exist nearer, without expending energy on conquest?
3) They make a big deal that we are technologically advancing quicky (through our industrial age etc), yet it appears they are able to advance far quicker than ourselves, even with a 3 body world system that wreaks havoc and resets their civilizations frequently. I'm supposed to believe in 400yrs we catch up to their level of tech as they approach us without any progression of their own? So now they think we're the threat once they arrive, again why even come to us then, go somewhere else maybe? lol
4) I'm not entirely sure the point of the probe we're firing at all. Send a brain to meet them first, to what end? It appears like they get all the benefits here, early intel as to what to expect from us.
5) The concept of a lie is lost on them, yet are we not seeing some form of deception from them anyway? There's some cloaks and dagger vibes stemming from the San-ti which is kinda the same thing, is it not? They communicate by thought, as soon as the thought is thought, it is out there and communicated? Are they a hive mind or individuals, how then can one or more be pacifist in thinking whilst the rest are conquering attitudes?