Arasaid's Replies

I haven't seen that yet, thanks for reminding me of it. Lol, thanks. Maverick is a solid film. I would have voted for it as well. Everything Everywhere was interesting, but weirdly perverted in parts. After hearing the director admit he was a pervert, I REALLY wished Top Gun would have won. Looks like that was a mistake. It's getting a lot of positive response. Doesn't look good to me. Good. Girls shouldn't be forced to play mixed games when they signed up for a girl's team. That scene in Finding Neverland still gives me goosebumps. I prefer the dot of light. Have you tried Andor? More mature than the other SW series. And beautifully shot. Slow start, but it really picks up around halfway through. I'd skip the flashbacks of when he was a kid. Pretty dull. R.I.P. So sad. She had 3 sons. Hmm, thanks. Not my cup of tea. What in the world is that 4th animated short? I'm scared to google it, and it's not on IMDb. Nope, not good. And yes, the state of tv (and culture) is pretty depressing. Don't know if you've watched it yet, but it is good. Finishes much better than it starts. I did not like Rogue One at all, though. I think Andor is written much better, has better characters, and is for a more mature Star Wars audience. No, Mary knows exactly what she wants and there's no man in town who could meet her standards (besides George). If George saw her content with another man, he'd be back on the suicidal path. There's only one man for Mary, and she knows it in both universes. The Hippocratic Oath included the fact that abortion is immoral. People have recently removed that part of the oath to appease their conscience. That doesn't make it any less evil. This is true. Figured Half in the Bag would be more entertaining, so watched that instead of the film.