Arasaid's Replies

Yes, it's been proven that a common day of rest and reflection is good for everyone. Even if we personally choose to turn off everything on Sundays, we can still hear the world hustling and bustling around us. It's not relaxing. There's only one day a year that feels peaceful, and that is Christmas. Understandable, since it's not that great. I'm 20 minutes in and there's much more singing than talking. Came here to see if I should keep watching because so far it's not working for me. I've seen OUATIH several times and have never noticed that. So much to explore in this film. I'm sorry, I'm not sure to what you're referring. A lot of this "confusion" is coming from weirdo parents, teachers, peers, tv shows, and organizations like Little League that has been taken over by creeps. Those poor children don't understand what society is doing to them by telling them they can be anything they want to be, and that they'll get all sorts of attention for being "different". I'm afraid it's lost. All that is needed is for parents to teach their children to be kind to others. References to sexual desires or "pride" while doing so is sick. Forced acceptance, and even admiration, of unhealthy behavior is going to be the downfall of our society. Yep, I love watching John Wick take revenge. I giggled in the theater during the knife fight in JW3. It was a hoot. In real life, I can't watch a shooting caught on video. Or hurt animals, or pretty much anything that causes pain. CNN and their unnamed sources have proven to be wrong time and again. But I think many Republicans are ready to move on from Trump even though they support his fighting, non-typical politician, spirit. A little, yes. It was kind of sad. It's only been 17 years, but some of the cast seemed older than that. Like they've been through a lot. I'm not mocking them, I feel bad for them. I think 5/10 for me, too. There were a few sweet moments, but most seemed forced. What I liked: Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer seemed to be having the most fun with it. The behind the scenes stuff along with the clips from the show. What I didn't like: The host. The creators/producers. "Celebrities" popping up for no reason. Obsessed fans. Courtney Cox seemed to look confused a lot. Kudrow, Aniston, and Perry looked like they would rather be someplace else, but were doing a favor for friends. Even though there were laughs (real and fake), the overall tone seemed kind of depressing. This is true. Nice review, but I found the first ep to be too crass to be entertaining. Yes, and his enablers that encourage it. <i>"There is a lot of honest and sober reporting in this country..."</i> Please name these reporters.