Boromir's Replies

I watched the movie right now. It's nice observation. In IMDB they said this: "It would have taken Paul approximately 1 hour 47 minutes to walk home. (The distance from Paul's uptown apartment ("East 91st Street") to Kiki's SoHo loft ("28 Howard Street, near the corner of Crosby") is approx 5.3 miles.) [Google Maps]" I can understand why at least in the beginning of the movie he didn't want to talk home. (1) 1 hour and 47 min is still long walk to go. (2) It's very cold and rainy (3) New York of 80's is not good place to walk alone at night. (4) He tried from a long day and you really walk from Central Park to Inwood? In google map it's 6 hours?!? Most terrorists are arabs. How he taking advantage of the women? Refuse them or even be rude is not taking advantage. And actually the first two lady (not the old lady) are very rude to him. Let's start with the evidences: First, there are several indications that this is not a date or a gay couple. We start with the way they talk with each other, there's no sign of flirtation or too much closeness between them. Second, they wear business suit. The suits imply that this's a two businesses partners who go to drink after work. Third, the most obvious, they called in the credit Businessman 1 and 2 at Bar. Fourth, it does not prove of course that Lee didn't thought they gays. But I think it makes more sense to assess, in the context of the plot, that Lee thought, under the influence of alcohol, they know him from his former life, it's make sense because he ask them "do you know me?". The tragedy of Lee loss, except the obvious, is the constant feeling that people looking at him as guilty and blame him for the loss of his children - like his ex-wife tell him "My heart is broken.. and I know your heart is broken too but I don't have to carry". In other words, there's no evidence at all that this homophobic accident. True The thing that really bother me with Patrick grief is that he continued to sing with the band and especially that he have fun with his girlfriends like nothing happen. Your father passed away and you have sex drive like it's normal week? In other hand, he had a panic attack, this's inconsistent behavior feel not real for me. Anyway, it's great movie. Maybe the best in 2016. I think that from these three words we learn that Lee is less repressive and more honest with himself than the beginning of the film, in someway he talk about his trauma with Patrick and also it's the first time he let himself cry (some scenes before). He can't take responsibility for another child again after what happened. He thought he can but the dream and the meeting with his ex-wife was a wake up call for him. I always thought Patrick cry more about Lee than himself. You read my mind!!! The pizza look so yummy and they just left. Like you I didn't stop think about that all movie. Get pregnant by Satan make more sense than leave such delicious pizza. I wanted to order pizza after that scene. I love the slowly paced more than the bloody last scenes. I think this is what make the movie great. I am agree that the villains plan was kind problematic but I am actually loved the suspense in the movie. I even preferred the first part before they capture her than the more bloody part. I think the suspense build in this movie is very good, I love the way she alone in the house, and we the audience waiting for something to happen. Many of us can relate to be in a stranger house, this's why the movie work. It's was so heartbreaking.