VoiceofReason's Replies

dont even tru here. miyagido is a pyscho he's been following me around like a little dog after I embarrassed him is this more pizza gate stuff? and whoever is driving servers and such to them doesnt have to. welcome to capitalism that you conservatives claim to love. a private business making a private decision look im fine with calling people some names. but when the mods very sporadically enforce it and who and what to ban it kinds gets ridiculous. ive seen tame comments deleted, while undoubtably racist crap get free reign. "With the internet and social media that traditional filter is now gone. The anonymity of the internet has given otherwise latent extremists a voice and social media a means for them to organize and find like minded voices that was absent in the 1980s. The old paradigm of free speech absolutism that you're espousing needs to be rethought because the parameters have changed." agreed. so now with how easy it is to communicate and organize and create groups reds fans in the name of "free speech" is going to let and encourage pedos, wife beaters and racial supremacists to go on the news and have groups? also it seems to work fine in almost every other country EXCEPT THE USA. You can say some go too far and stuff, but overall theres a lot less civil unrest and a lot less people who spread lies and misinformation and get platforms to do so. hence why other countries dont believe as much in a young earth or conspiracies. who said the world would end? its about what possible benefit vs harm in society is there for allowing these sorts of people a platform. a platform is power and offers legitimacy. To reach more, to convince more and to get more followers. you arent living in reality if you deny that "You are trying to change the argument under the auspices of what to teach school children. That is much different, but the ability to THINK CRITICALLY should never be censored, especially in children." again no by your "logic" we cant dare infringe free speech. we can have pro rape, pro pedi groups and spokespeople spreading content on Facebook or on mainstream news, but blocking them from teaching flat earth, intelligent design or pro racial supremacy would be too far? you've shown your inconsistency and its glaring you are a tool. good luck Einstein begging for socialism and government intervention I get wanting to debate and have a conversation. but it seems some people just want to get attention and troll and get human contact even negative type I dont think you know how logic works......... so if I talk men and women im sexist too? lol #logic. you seem to be lacking it how convient. im sure that little slogan is cute but it seems to be a placeholder for actual intellectual thought. agreed that is a discussion to be had but now you are just getting into nonsense slippery slope "I guess we cant have any sort of regulation of decide what we should or shouldn't host cause who decides?" so suppression of pedos, wife beaters and rapists thoughts and ideas is futile? we should let them on national TV to make their case? have groups on Facebook and YouTube pushing their ideas? no its only a double edged sword if you see things simplistically in some insane American liberty sense that you either have complete freedom or not. Which as we know for almost every right there can be restrictions so by that logic we should have teachers telling students about eugenics and how other races are subhuman. oh and its now their "right" to teach intelligent design instead of accepted biology. ohh and flat earth is now in the mix. oh and gravity doesnt exist its angels carrying objects. I dont have to suffer through Anne Hathaways horrible high school level acting sooo no capitalism is the reason they closed. they re a private business and well within their rights to do so. sorry you hate capitalism when its inconvenient :( no you are asking for the government to step in and regulate them. you conservatives call that socialism all the time hahahaha whining I called you stupid. im a hypocrite now? did I say Parlers should be closed for calling people dumb? maybe you rent as smart as you think. your re like that cringe kid at school who forced themselves to try and use logical terms and big words and just sounded dumb as hell. twitter allows child porn? wtf are you talking about. im done here you are one of those conspiracy nut jobs my bad. stick to the forums about pizza gate buddy. you were 100% on Parlers really was that epic? talias horrible death scene? bane getting hit by a car? I agree it tried to be epic but failed imo to think we almsot got that... and instead got this pile of turd.... I love David tennant I won't say hes underrated because hes certainly well appreciated by many. but I really do love him maybe the mods finally purged that pyscho troll. this boards his entire life it'd be hilarious if they deleted it just cause of him boring, overlong and with characters I dont really care about.... I have heard that argument before and I get the "logic" behind it but have to disagree. I see it as the same reason we don't give platforms to pro wife beaters or pedos. keeping them out of the shadows doesn't "increase its power" like some sort of Hollywood monster. keeping them out of the light diminished their ability to be taken seriously and push their insane arguments and try to give the guise of professionalism and chance to trick others into believing their insane. by this logic Germany should have let the nazi party continue because driving it under ground just increased its power. I get the arguement but I think it doesnt hold up get attention elsewhere you sad old man :) see ya later troll. if I ever get bored ill come shit on you under your bridge like I did finding one random definition. aka 5 definitions from the most respected sources of them. hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. enjoy your lonely life troll. get attention elsewhere you sad old man the films were objectively released as three films. that's how Jackson filmed them and intended them to be. that's how the company that produced and distributes films does so. lol you are such a failure troll. enjoy being alone im going now. get your attention elsewhere you sad lonely person