TriumphReq's Replies

Seriously though. Why are they brainwashed in so much bullshit? They need to take the red pill. Read my edit. Southern California was once part of Mexico. What you're seeing out your front door are families that have always lived there, hence the name CALIFORNIA and the names of all the cities being in Spanish. Has that ever baffled you too? I may have enough knowledge, and I respect you now Kowalski, because I've been to Southern California. Why do the police have check points miles from the border? I've been to Mexico. They want us to move there as immigrants and many Americans have. There are literally colonies of Americans living there. As Johnny Cash says, "I've been everywhere." Hey I got an idea. Go to your local library or news stand and get a copy of the magazine International Living. Man will that open your eyes and really give you some ideas if you ever want to be free from all this drama. Well it's not outdated because it is relevant to this day. If migrant workers were normal back then, then why aren't they normal now? It's the new scapegoatism of the Republican party. They pay more in taxes than they take out. It's number 3) on the list of fascist behaviors. 3.) Scapegoating minorities and immigrants as a unifying behavior. 7 Truths About Immigration in under 70 seconds. | Robert Reich 1.) Record high of 70% of Americans say immigration is a good thing for the country. 2.) America needs more immigrants, not fewer because our population is rapidly aging. 3.) Historically immigrants have contributed more in taxes than they have taken in public assistance. (How can you even get public assistance anyway? We live in an every man for themselves swim or sink society where it is socialism for the rich) 4.) Immigrant do not take jobs away from native born Americans. On the contrary their spending creates more jobs. They are bringing money into the USA. We aren't just talking about the refugees here. Resettlement costs a lot of money. Outside money coming in buying houses, cars, furniture etc. 5.)Fact: undocumented immigrants create less crime than native born citizens (my guess is because they like to hide under the radar.) 6.) Violent crime rates in the US are actually at historic lows with the homicide rate back to where it was during the early 1960s. Hard to believe but statistics say it is true. 7.) Illegal border crossings have been declining since 2014 (Obama). There's no surge in illegal immigration. The rightist media, because that's what they are, have just been hyping it up more. Seriously why are Trump supporters so stupid? You're a running joke worldwide. Because he was hated, not just unpopular. He was hated even more than Bush and Bush joked about not being the worst president anymore. Rigged votes. Seriously why are Trump supporters so stupid? You're a running joke worldwide. Because he actually IS A Child sex trafficker damn it! He was a Democrat (liberal) once. I found him still distasteful. Are you all fucking kids or forgotten what a sleaze ball he was in the 80s and 90s? He even played the worst boss imagineable on a tv show. How can people be so naive that you can be so easily duped by an obvious con man? New Yorkers say they are the only ones that know this. But that is not true. Everyone has known he was a jerk. He's just denying it. This stuff is a witch hunt. Everyone's guilty before trial and before proven innocent. The law deems we are innocent until proven guilty. He doesn't need defending. I praise him. He's got a consistently higher approval rating than Trump ever had. He's God's messenger on Earth and doing God's will. You were playing it off as fact before you read the snopes article. You truly are Satan. You're ignoring the question. Is this a case of guilt by association? Seriously. Your name is Satan. No more needs to be said. You're ignoring the question because you're obsessed with Trump. Is this a case of guilt by association? But since you bring up Trump again. Are you completely oblivious? News cameras DID catch Trump smelling the hair of young girls like his daughter and even bouncing her on his knee when she was of sexual age and other times. They also caught him saying he would date his daughter and asking doctors how long Ivanka can sit in his lap again. Seems like the lies and myths about Biden live in your head rent free. You come across as stupid. It's pathetic but typical. It truly is Idiocracy in real life. The guy is a great president and everyone knows it. You just have some bizarre brainwashed ideology that prevents you from thinking straight. You just cannot accept that the majority of people disagree with you. Do you have any proof of that bullshit or are you just pulling it out of your ass? And that's just on mortgages. Imagine if you own your home outright. You're still paying property taxes as rent and they can steal your house if you can't pay it. FUCKING REPUBLICANS! Unpaid $8.41 property tax bill cost Michigan man his house Well don't say world. You don't own anything in this country thanks to Republicans. A good movie to watch on this is Thrive. "that election was investigated" Proof? Trump didn't win 2016 and didn't win as many votes in 2020. The country was firmly against him. Our guard should never be let down. Republicans across the country have been openly and admittedly rigging future elections because they know they cannot win fairly anymore. America has woken up. "The DOMINION machines were hooked up to the internet (illegal)" And no doubt hacked in favor of Trump. How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes With Russia already meddling in 2016, a ragtag group of obsessive tech experts is warning that stealing the ultimate prize—victory on Nov. 8—would be child’s play. By BEN WOFFORD August 05, 2016 Republicans Admit They Lose When Elections Are Fair and Free Republicans Now Just Admitting They Want Fewer Americans To Vote Trump says Republicans would ‘never’ be elected again if it was easier to vote Trump didn't win 2016 and didn't win as many votes in 2020. The country was firmly against him. Our guard should never be let down. Republicans across the country have been openly and admittedly rigging future elections because they know they cannot win fairly anymore. America has woken up. "The DOMINION machines were hooked up to the internet (illegal)" And no doubt hacked in favor of Trump. How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes With Russia already meddling in 2016, a ragtag group of obsessive tech experts is warning that stealing the ultimate prize—victory on Nov. 8—would be child’s play. By BEN WOFFORD August 05, 2016 Republicans Admit They Lose When Elections Are Fair and Free Republicans Now Just Admitting They Want Fewer Americans To Vote Trump says Republicans would ‘never’ be elected again if it was easier to vote They are going to run the fat pedophile again if he isn't dead or jailed. Remember Hitler spent time in jail. Your schtick's been done before. Holocaust survivor on Trump: 'I've seen this before — in Nazi Germany' - Aurora Beacon-News