MovieChat Forums > horroreporter > Replies
horroreporter's Replies
My favorite 80s slasher next to Silent Night, Deadly Night.
Not as dumb as Marti, couldn't stand her whining
Its 3
Seth kicked butt in Karate Kid and Cobra Kai and the actor did wonderful in his horror movie debut. He got suckered in his fate however ha
Right? He was a creepy fella. Chuck Norris barely survived. Chuck does not look 80 years old.
Ha ha i knew that would come up. It couldn't get any worse than Halloween 2018 with a 61 year old Michael Myers ha.
A BOMBS horror site
The film needs to be rebooted and written by Damien Cain
Either way this post doesn't get a passing grade.
Bow wow wow, yippie yo, yippie yay
What does my posts in other movies have anything to do with Daniel San?
Was it a real accident? I couldn't understand the focus on them or purpose of the characters.
Covid? I hear the vaccine is triggering Covid more.
Open your mouth when you talk to me, son. Spit out the cabbage.
Passed, not past. You must be a crack baby. How many grades did you finish? Oh wait! you're still in 3rd grade. "In the past i used to urine on squirts like you" "I ran passed Exatera's trailer house this morning" Let me know if i can teach you more English.
Sure they do, Shirley
Yes I have a Master's degree. You would be mistaken as an orphan on crack if you used Past vs Passed to get passed an exam. You talking past sense. This is getting passed a scenario. You understand, Shirley? You remind me of a Shirley.
You think I understand British people in movies? They talk like they got food in their mouths. They really need to subtitle them.
It's passed, not past