Minirogerebert's Replies

I’m not sure you even know what a strawman is. Would be funny to see you try and explain how. Now stick to the main points and stop deflecting like a little p-ssy. The fact is that Trump won because his campaign was better than Hillary’s. His populist rhetoric was what got him the presidency — you look at his ads from 2016 and it could easily be a Bernie one. I wasn’t even aware Hillary had a campaign to begin with, it was so milquetoast. She also ignored Wisonsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Wow the projection is strong with you. I literally replied to and debunked all your points in my comment above. Stop running away like a coward kid. Some of the early games were actually good. I blame a recent 2010s trend of needing to make everything “sexy” for dumbing down our media. I suspect Game of Thrones had a lot to do with it Learn to read yourself, I never even said that Gandalf couldn’t use magic. In fact I said the opposite. Does it matter? Christians are still murdering gays and LGBTQs at an equal rate. People who behead people for drawing the prophet Muhammad happen, what, a handful of times a year? More people die in car crashes. Besides there are plenty of examples of Christians acting crazy over blasphemy. It doesn’t matter that Islam is not a race (race isn’t real anyway). It’s still racist to marginalize one group over another. Also I would say the amount of crazed Christians who have bombed the Middle East to hell and back certainly compared to Islamic terrorism. In fact, they’re directly intertwined, if you have even a cursory knowledge of geopolitics. Trump has 45% support amongst gay men. He also won a lot of the black vote in inner cities, which is what helped him beat Hillary. And so begins Trump-TV Because it’s hypocritical. I don’t see you complaining about Christians murdering gays and trans people. You have an axe to grind against Muslims only (probably because you’re a racist). Who is “him”? I already explained why Gandalf and Sauron, as magical beings, are able to use their powers to emit light. Gondor is run by the race of men. They are not magical beings. Also even if Gondor could emit a beam of fire into the sky, Rohan would still be 3000 miles away, and they wouldn’t be able to see it. That’s like someone in the US shooting a laser beam into the sky and expecting someone in Venezuela to see it. The “beam of light” you are talking about was emanating from Minas Morgul, which is run by the Witch King of Angmar (also a magical being) as a means of communication with Sauron’s fortress of Baradur, which is only 60 miles away. You just said majority of democratic voters are those groups. You were wrong. Also plenty of those groups also voted Republican in 2016. It’s pretty sad you’re “disturbed” by anyone who isn’t straight, white, and Christian. Also, some knowledge for you, Biden doesn’t give a f-ck about BLM or LGBT communities. This is the same guy who authored the crime bill in the 90s. Biden is only beholden to his corporate donors. He’s already filling his cabinet with neocons. I see hotter women walking down the street ? The Shining is one of the most overrated movies of all time. Kubrick butchered the book and turned it into a hammy corn fest. His attempt to scare people is putting on obscenely loud music over scenes of the hotel. The Exorcist is actually terrifying in comparison because there’s a monster in the house with them. The “headlines” segments were the best part of Leno’s show, lol Majority of democratic voters are straight white Christians. Trump lost the suburban moms this time. Hilarious you deny this, Trump even admitted this is his plan. Wake up sheep.