MovieChat Forums > contreras > Replies
contreras's Replies
they'll probably bring back Starlord for the third one
He was empathetic to her more than he was falling for her.
I didn't get the impression that they ended together.
The Jesusrrection
He listened to his little guy.
de deng deng de deng
Humans have been as smart as we are today for 200.000 years and it took us over 180.000 years to start practicing agriculture.
I suppose they let the miners venture through Jackson as they can't reach other planets with that technology anyway.
it's the wonder of nature dude
yeah he learned the shunkanido in planet Yardrat
he warned him
Dr Zaius Dr Zaius
While I do agree it was a bad idea to kill him because the actor could have returned eventually, I think the episode was well executed and its one of the most memorable moments of the show for me, specially the last scenes with Taub breaking into tears and House looking at the picture.
Maverick: Top Gun
He could have a chance as long as he has someone to protect.
I thought it was because of lack of use.
What's the deal with Pop-Tarts?
Winona Ryder is hotter than Sofia Coppola but she doesn't look like the hot Italian cousin that has a crush on you.
He lost his Carlness lol
Back to the Future would be interesting.
This and The American