MovieChat Forums > ItsGood2BeRight > Replies
ItsGood2BeRight's Replies
Good people don't have to worry about death. We enter the gates of heaven to eternal paradise.
Uneducated democrat, you can't catch the virus twice.
TAXES, it's always about taxes. The rich are rich because we work hard and get up early. Paying high taxes so Sancho and other scum bags of the like can get food stamps and welfare checks isn't an easy sell when your net worth is more than $400,000.
Wow, that is exactly what an idiot without a compelling argument would say when faced with the task of proving his or her intelligence. Smart people hunger for a chance to make arguments that checkmate and put their opponents in the crosshairs. Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, and Dinesh D'Souza are prime examples. I bet you were ecstatic when Biden was interviewed by Cardi B.
Show us your w-2s you jobless scumbag.
Thank you :)
I'm a she. Now be a good slave a fetch me a water.
You can call me whatever you want. To quote Dave Chappelle, 'I'm rich beeyotch!"
Fish n chips, Mmmm!
That's why you are a democrat. You need handouts and someone always taking care of you. Biden and Harris are your masters.
Remember when AOC told Bernie they would flip the house red? LOL she is purrdy.
You are Asian.
Maybe if you spent less time on the internet your fat ass wouldn't have to worry about covid so much.
Well, everything is bigger in Texas. Where are the fatalities though? How many false positives ended up in death?
Maybe because you're the kind of idiot that falls victim to identity theft. The kind of idiot that is in his car alone but still wearing a mask with the windows rolled up. The kind of idiot that falls for the narrative of CNN and mainstream media. The kind of idiot that backs up the phrase, "peaceful but firey protest."
Need I go on?
EDIT: I forgot this 1. The kind of idiot that lets the government tell him how he should celebrate Thanksgiving in his own home behind closed doors on private property. Only the dumbest (and weakest) of the sheep would be so willing to give up their freedoms.
We already have it. It was discovered decades ago but swept under the rug because of greedy oil tycoons. The transition will actually be faster than you think.
Obviously, he's a Spanish and the English are his second language.
Nothing more than swamp rats.
Why does it have to black people? We are talking about New York. It's littered with Peurto Ricans and Arabs.